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from Sep, 2023


1973 – Present


Lenore Manderson was trained in Asian Studies, with her early field research in Peninsular Malaysia. For over four decades, she has worked as a medical anthropologist and social historian of medicine on questions of public health among diverse populations in Australia, east and southeast Asia, and increasingly in Africa. Her fields of research include gender, sexuality and reproductive health; infectious and chronic disease; access to and ideologies of medical and health care; and disability and inequality.

Her sustained commitment to build research capacity includes her life long work with higher degree students in and from resource-poor settings, her involvement in CARTA (Collaboration for Advanced Research and Training in Africa), and from 1988, her continuous collaboration with TDR (UNICEF / UNDP / World Bank / WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease). Her broad interests extend to interdisciplinary collaborations in the social and biosciences, humanities and creative arts, for social justice, human rights, and sustainability.


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MANDERSON, L. and Burke, N.J. eds. Forthcoming. Covid’s Chronicities. London: University College London Press.

MANDERSON, L., ed. 2023. Imperfect Memories. Ballarat, Victoria: Shawline Publishing.

Bennett, L.R., MANDERSON, L. and Spagnoletti, B. eds. 2023. Cancer and the Politics of Care: Inequalities and Interventions in a Global Perspective. London: University College London Press.

MANDERSON, L. and Gander, F. eds. 2022. Water’s Edge: Writing on Water. Evanston, IL: Curbstone/Northwestern University Press.

MANDERSON, L., Burke, N.J., and Wahlberg, A. (eds) 2021. Viral Loads: Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of Covid-19. London: UCL Press.

Mkhwanazi, N., and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 2020. Connected Lives: Families, households, health and care in contemporary South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Press.

MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E., and Hardon, A. 2016. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge.

Davis, M. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 2014. Disclosure in Health and Illness. London: Routledge.

Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 2013. Reframing Disability and Quality of Life: A Global Perspective. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company.

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 2012. Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health. London and New York: Routledge.

MANDERSON, L., Smith, W. and Tomlinson, M. (eds)  2012.  Flows of Faith: Religious Reach and Community in Asia and the Pacific. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company.

MANDERSON, L. 2011. Surface Tensions: Surgery, Bodily Boundaries and the Social Self. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press

MANDERSON, L. and Smith-Morris, C. (eds) 2010. Chronic Conditions, Fluid States: Chronicity and the Anthropology of Illness. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Woolcock, G. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 2009. Social Capital and Social Justice: Critical Australian Perspectives.  Darwin: Charles Darwin University Press.

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 2005. Rethinking Wellbeing: Essays on Health, Disability and Disadvantage. Perth: Curtin University Press for API Network

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 2003. Teaching Gender, Teaching Women’s Health: Case Studies in Medical and Health Sciences Education. Binghamton, N.Y.: The Haworth Press (co-published as Women & Health 37, 4: 1-10.

MANDERSON, L. and Bennett, L.R. (eds) 2003. Violence against Women in Asian Societies. London: ASAA/Routledge.

MANDERSON, L. and Liamputtong, P.  (eds) 2001. Coming of Age in South and Southeast Asia: Youth, Courtship and Sexuality. London: NIAS/Curzon Press.

Whiteford, L.M. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 2000. Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The Fallacy of the Level Playing Field. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1999. Australian Women’s Health: Innovations in Social Science and Community Research. Binghamton, N.Y.: The Haworth Press (co-published Women & Health 28, 1, 1998).

MANDERSON, L. and Jolly, M. (eds) 1997. Sites of Desire/Economies of Pleasure. Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rice, P.L. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 1996. Maternity and Reproductive Health in Asian Societies. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press/Gordon and Breach.

MANDERSON, L. 1996, 2002. Sickness and the State. Health and Illness in Colonial Malaya, 1870-1940. Cambridge and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Crouch, M. and MANDERSON, L. 1993. New Motherhood: Cultural and Personal Transitions in the 1980s. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press/Gordon and Breach.

Pearson, G. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 1987.  Class, Ideology and Women in Asian Societies.  Asian Studies Monograph Series.  Hong Kong: Asian Research Service.

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1986,  2010.  Shared Wealth and Symbol: Food, Culture and Society in Oceania and Southeast Asia.  New York:  Cambridge University Press.

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1985, 2012.  Australian Ways: Anthropological Studies of an Industrialised Society. Sydney:  George Allen and Unwin.

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1983. Women’s Work and Women’s Roles: Economics and Everyday Life in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.  Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series No. 32.  Canberra: Development Studies Centre, Australian National University.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Women, Politics, and Change.  The Kaum Ibu UMNO Malaysia, 1945-1972.  Kuala Lumpur:  Oxford University Press.  Also as Wanita, Politik dan Perubahan.  Pergerakan Kaum Ibu UMNO Malaysia, 1945-1972.  Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti Sdn Bhd (1981).

MANDERSON, L. 1974.  Overpopulation in Java:  Problems and Reactions.  Canberra:  Department of Demography, ANU (reprinted 1977, 1979).

Kaunda, B.N., Kagaha. A., Pillay, N. and MANDERSON, L. Forthcoming. Visibility, power, and sexual and reproductive health in southern Africa. In Aggleton, P., Crewe, M, and Bhana, D., eds. Sex, Sexualities and Sexual Health in Southern Africa: Contemporary Perspectives. London: Routledge.

Warren, N., MANDERSON, L. and Ayton, D. Forthcoming. Mobility issues for people with disabilities. In Michalos, A.C., ed. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company.

MANDERSON, L., Ayton, D. and Warren, N. Forthcoming. Disability and health. In Michalos, A.C., 2nd ed. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Bennett, L. R., MANDERSON, L. and Spagnoletti, B. Forthcoming. Introduction. Cancer ethnographies and the politics of care. In Bennett, L. R., MANDERSON, L. and Spagnoletti, B. Cancer and the Politics of Care: Inequalities and Interventions in Global Perspective. London: University College London Press.

MANDERSON, L. In press. Urgency, modernity and pace in cancer care. In Andersen, R.S. and Tørring, M.L., eds. Cancer Entangled. Anticipation, Acceleration and the Danish State. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. In press. Cancers’ multiplicities: Anthropologies of interventions and care.Chapter 15 in Singer, M., Erickson, P. and Abadia, C. eds. A Companion to Medical Anthropology. 2nd ed. London: Wiley Blackwell.

MANDERSON, L. and Levine, S. 2021. Militarising the pandemic: Enforcing lockdown in South Africa. In MANDERSON, L., Burke, N.J. and Wahlberg, A. Viral Loads. Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of COVID-19. London: University College London Press, 47-66.

MANDERSON, L., Burke, N.J. and Wahlberg, A. 2021. Introduction: Stratified Livability and Pandemic Effects. In MANDERSON, L., Burke, N.J. and Wahlberg, A. Viral Loads. Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of COVID-19. London: University College London Press, 1-23.

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Beyond the Flesh. In Pussetti, C. and Jarrin, A., eds. Remaking the Human: Cosmetic Technologies of Body Repair, Reshape and Replacement. New York: Berghahn Books, 256-267.

Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Families, care and support. Chapter 7 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 192-196.

MANDERSON, L. 2020. Caring, communities and poverty. Case study 6.2 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press,163-166.

MANDERSON, L. and Mkhwanazi, N. 2020. As families age. Chapter 6 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 156-191.

MANDERSON, L. and Mkhwanazi, N. 2020. Everyday care and illness. Chapter 5 in Mkhwanazi,N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 118-155.

MANDERSON, L. and Mkhwanazi, N. 2020. How men care. Chapter 4 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 81-117.

Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Family-keeping. Chapter 3 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 46-80.

Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Making families. Chapter 2 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care inContemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press,9-45.

MANDERSON, L. and Mkhwanazi, N. 2020. Family structures and everyday relationships of
care. Chapter 1 in Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON L., eds. Connected Lives: Families,
Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 1-8.

Team, V., MANDERSON, L. and Markovic, M. 2018. Cultural competence in health:
Understanding the food choices of older Ukrainian Australians. In Mao, Y. and Ahmed, R., eds.
Culture, Migration, and Health Communication in a Global Context. London: Routledge, 87-104.

Team, V., MANDERSON, L. and Markovic, M. 2017. Cultural competence in health: Understanding the food choices of older Ukrainian Australians. In Mao, Y. and Ahmed, R., eds. Culture, Migration, and Health Communication in a Global Context. London: Routledge, 87-104.

Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2016. Credibility and the inexplicable: Parkinson’s disease and assumed diagnosis in contemporary Australia. In Smith-Morris, C., ed.  Diagnostic Controversies: Cultural Perspectives on Competing Knowledge in Healthcare. London: Routledge, 127-146.

MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A. 2016. Sign posts. Chapter 1 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 2-14.

MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A. 2016. Changing childhoods. Chapter 2 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds.  2016. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 18-42.

Hardon, A., MANDERSON, L., and Cartwright, E.  2016. Sexuality and technology. Chapter 3 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. 2016. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 46-69.

Hardon, A., MANDERSON, L., and Cartwright, E. 2016.  The socialities of HIV. Chapter 4 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A. eds.  The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 72-91.

Hardon, A., Cartwright, E. and MANDERSON, L. 2016.  Stress in everyday life. Chapter 5 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 94-113.

Cartwright, E., Hardon, A. and MANDERSON, L. 2016.  Bodily resistances. Chapter 6 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 116-135.

MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A. 2016.  Chronicities of illness. Chapter 7 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 138-161.

Cartwright, E., Hardon, A. and MANDERSON, L. 2016.  Ways of caring. Chapter 8 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 164-182.

MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A. 2016. Endings. Chapter 9 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 186-204.

Hardon, A., MANDERSON, L., and Cartwright, E. 2016.  Marketing medicine. Chapter 10 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 208-233.

Cartwright, E., MANDERSON, L. and Hardon, A.  2016. The Anthropocene. Chapter 11 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 236-258.

Cartwright, E., MANDERSON, L. and Hardon, A.  2016. Global quests for care. Chapter 12 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 262-279.

MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E., and Hardon, A.  2016. War, violence and social repair. Chapter 13 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 282-304.

Hardon, A., MANDERSON, L. and Cartwright, E. 2016.  Genes, kinship and risk. Chapter 14 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 308-335.

Cartwright, E., Hardon, A. and MANDERSON, L. 2016. How the logics of biomedical practice travel. Chapter 15 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 338-365.

MANDERSON, L., Hardon, A. and Cartwright, E. 2016. Vital signs: Medical anthropology in the 21st century. Chapter 16 in MANDERSON, L., Cartwright, E. and Hardon, A., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. London: Routledge, 368-381.

Vasey, K., MANDERSON, L., and Newman, L. 2016. The health and wellbeing of survival migrants. In Thomas, F., ed. Handbook of Migration and Health. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 173-194.

Grigg, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2016. The Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): Measuring racism in Australia. In Roland-Lévy, C., Denoux, P., Voyer, B., Boski, P. and Gabrenya, W.K., Jr., eds. Unity, Diversity and Culture. Melbourne, FL: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 111-121.

Gibson, K., Vasey, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2015. Shaping community, building social capital: Community-based programs among African refugee women in Australia. In Koengeter, S. and Smith, W. eds. Transnational Agency. Migrants, Movements and Social Support. Routledge Research in Transnationalism Series. London: Routledge, 44-66.

MANDERSON, L. 2015.  Cancer enigmas and agendas. In Mathews, H., N. Burke and E.Kampriani, eds. Anthropologies of Cancer in Transnational Worlds. London: Routledge, 241-254.

Warren, N., Ayton, D. and MANDERSON, L. 2014. Mobility issues for people with disabilities. In Michalos, A.C., ed.  Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 4095-4099.

Ayton, D., Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2014. Disability and health. In Michalos, A.C., ed. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 1647-1650.

MANDERSON, L. 2014. Telling points. In Davis, M. and MANDERSON, L. eds. Disclosure in Health and Illness. London: Routledge, 1-15.

MANDERSON, L. and Davis, M.  2014. Contours of truth. In Davis, M. and MANDERSON, L. eds. Disclosure in Health and Illness. London: Routledge, 153-165.

Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Reframing disability and quality of life: Contextual nuances. In Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) Reframing Disability and Quality of Life: A Global Perspective. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 1-18.

MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2013. ‘Caring for’ and ‘caring about’: Embedded interdependence and quality of life. In Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) Reframing Disability and Quality of Life: A Global Perspective. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 179-194.

MANDERSON, L. and Alford, K. 2012. Settlement and the Social Dimensions of Change. In Raupach, M., McMichael, A., Finnigan, J., MANDERSON, L. and B.H.Walker. Negotiating our future: Living Scenarios for Australia in 2050. Vol 2.  Canberra, ACT: Australian Academy of Science, 51-63.

Alford, K., MANDERSON, L., Boschetti, F., Davies, J., Hatfield Dodds, S., Lowe, I. and Perez, P. 2012. Social perspectives on environmentally sustainable and socially equitable ways of living in Australia in 2050. In Raupach, M., McMichael, A., Finnigan, J., MANDERSON, L. and B.H.Walker. Negotiating our future: Living Scenarios for Australia in 2050. Vol 1. Canberra, ACT: Australian Academy of Science, 93-114.

Raupach, M.R., McMichael, A.J., Alford, K.J.S., Cork, S., Finnigan, J.J., Fulton, E.A., Grigg, N.J., Jones, R.N., Leves, F., MANDERSON, L., and Walker, B.H. 2012. Living scenarios for Australia as an adaptive system. In Raupach, M., McMichael, A.J., Finnigan, J.J., MANDERSON, L. and Walker, B.H. eds. Negotiating our Future: Living Scenarios for Australia in 2050. Vol. 1. Canberra, ACT: Australian Academy of Science, 1-53.

MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2012. Beyond the boundaries of the clinic: Enacting trust in rural Australia. In Candlin, Christopher N. & Crichton, Jonathan (eds) Discourses of Trust Sydney: Palgrave Macmillan, 96-110.

MANDERSON, L. 2012. Material worlds, sexy lives: Technologies of sexuality, identity and sexual health. In MANDERSON, L. (ed) Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health. London and New York: Routledge,1-15.

MANDERSON, L. 2012. Preface. In MANDERSON, L. (ed) Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health. London and New York: Routledge, xiii-xv.

Roscigno, G., Yuthavong, Y. and MANDERSON, L. 2012. Innovation and new technologies to meet the infectious diseases of poverty. In WHO/TDR, Global Report for Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty. Geneva: WHO/TDR, 95-117.

Ramsay, T., Smith, W. and MANDERSON, L. 2012. Brahma Kumaris: Purity and the globalization of faith. In MANDERSON, L., Smith, W. and Tomlinson, M. (eds) Flows of Faith: Religious reach and community in Asia and the Pacific. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 51-70.

MANDERSON, L., Tomlinson, M., and Smith, W. 2012.  Beliefs beyond borders: Communities of faith in Asia and the Pacific. In MANDERSON, L., Smith, W. and Tomlinson, M. (eds)  Flows of Faith: Religious reach and community in Asia and the Pacific. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 1-12.

Ramsay, T. and MANDERSON, L. 2011. Resilience, spirituality and post-traumatic growth: Reshaping the effects of disaster. In Weissbecker, I. (ed) Climate Change and Human Well-being: Global Challenges and Opportunities. International and Cultural Psychology Book Series. Dordrecht and New York: Springer Publishing Company, 165-184. See also DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-9742-5_9

MANDERSON, L. 2011. Anthropologies of cancer and risk, uncertainty and disruption. In Singer, M. and Erickson, P. (eds) A Companion to Medical Anthropology. London: Wiley Blackwell, 323-338.

Vasey, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2011. The social and cultural context of immigration and stress. In Sher, L. and A.Vilens, eds. Immigration and Mental Health: Stress, Psychiatric Disorders and Suicidal Behavior Among Immigrants and Refugees, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 295-311.

Stirling, L., MANDERSON, L. and MacFarlane, J. 2010. “You don’t want to look like that for the rest of your life”: Contested discourses of loss in a normative societal context. In Candlin, Christopher N. & Crichton, Jonathan (eds) Discourses of Deficit. Sydney: Palgrave Macmillan, 137-156.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. “Half a woman”: Embodied disruptions and ideas of gender among Australian women. In MANDERSON, L. and Smith-Morris, C. (eds). Chronic Conditions, Fluid States: Chronicity and the Anthropology of Illness. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 96-112.

MANDERSON, L. and Smith-Morris, C. 2010. Introduction. On chronicity: Unsettling Biomedical Binaries and Attending to Context. In MANDERSON, L. and Smith-Morris, C. (eds). Chronic Conditions, Fluid States: Chronicity and the Anthropology of Illness. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1-18.

MANDERSON, L. and Smith-Morris, C. 2010. Preface and acknowledgements. In MANDERSON, L. and Smith-Morris, C. (eds). Chronic Conditions, Fluid States: Chronicity and the Anthropology of Illness. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, vii-ix.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Image and the Imaginary in Early Health Education: Wilbur Augustus Sawyer and the Hookworm Campaigns of Australia and Asia. In Serlin, D., ed, Imagining Illness:Visual Culture and Public Health. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 3-23.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Innocence and Scandal: Sexuality and the mass media. In Aggleton, P. & Parker, R. (eds) Routledge Handbook on Sexuality, Health and Rights. Milton Park, UK & New York: Routledge, 301-308.

MANDERSON, L. and Vasey, K. 2009. Cooking alone: Social capital and wellbeing among Iraqi women refugees in rural Victoria. In Woolcock, G. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) Social Capital and Social Justice: Critical Australian Perspectives.  Darwin, NT, Australia: Charles Darwin University Press, 229-244.

Woolcock, G. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. Introduction: Social capital theory in critical perspective. In Woolcock, G. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) Social Capital and Social Justice: Critical Australian Perspectives.  Darwin, NT, Australia: Charles Darwin University Press, 3-17.

Warren, N., MANDERSON L. and Misajon, R.A. 2009. More than SF-36? Using narratives to elaborate health and well-being data in recent lower-limb amputees.  In Moller, V. & Huschka, D., eds. Quality of Life and the Millenium Challenge. Social Indicators Research Series No. 35. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 59-80.

MANDERSON, L. 2008. Women, health and development. In Gatti, A. and Boggio, A. eds. Health and Development. Towards a Matrix Approach. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 179-192.

MANDERSON, L. 2008. Anthropological perspectives on the health transition. In Quah, S. & Heggenhougen, K. , eds. International Encyclopedia of Public Health, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic Press, 193-200.

MANDERSON, L. and Huang Yixin. 2005. Water, vector-borne disease and gender: Schistosomiasis in rural China. In Linda Whiteford and Scott Whiteford, (eds), Globalization, Water and Health: Resource Management in Times of Scarcity, Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 67-84.

MANDERSON, L. 2005. Social capital and inclusion: Locating wellbeing in community. In MANDERSON, L., ed. Rethinking Wellbeing:  Essays on Health, Disability and Disadvantage, Perth: API Network/Curtin University, 161-184.

MANDERSON, L.  2005. Introduction: The Social Context of Well-Being.  In MANDERSON, L., ed. Rethinking Wellbeing. Essays on Health, Disability and Disadvantage, Perth: API Network/Curtin University, 1-25.

MANDERSON, L. and Peake, S. 2005. Men in motion: The performance of masculinity by disabled men. In Philip Auslander and Carrie Sandahl (eds), Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Performance, Wisconsin: University of Michigan Press, 230-242.

Allotey, P. and MANDERSON, L. 2004. Women’s health. In Rob Moodie and Alana Hulme (eds) Hands-on Health Promotion. Melbourne: IP Communications, Chapter 28, 341-350.

MANDERSON, L. and Allotey, P.  2003. When case studies become case work … Reciprocity in field research with refugee settlers. In Allotey, P. (ed), The Health of Refugees: Public health perspectives from conflict to settlement, Melbourne and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 200-211.

Bennett, L.R. and MANDERSON, L. 2003. Introduction: Gender inequality and technologies of violence. In MANDERSON, L. and Bennett, L. R. (eds) 2003. Violence against Women in Asian Societies. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 1-19.

MANDERSON, L. 2002.Social sciences and public health: Three pathways and some questions.  In Marginson, S. (ed), Investing in Social Capital: Postgraduate Training in the Social Sciences in Australia. Special Issue of Journal of Australian Studies 74: 105-126.

MANDERSON, L. and Liamputtong, P. 2001. Introduction: Coming of age in contemporary Asian societies. In MANDERSON, L. and Liamputtong, P. (eds) Coming of Age in South and Southeast Asia: Youth, courtship, and sexuality. London: Curzon Press, 1-15.

MANDERSON, L., Kirk, M. and Hoban, E. 2001. Walking the Talk: Research partnerships in women’s business. In I. Dyck, N. D. Lewis and S. McLafferty (eds) Geographies of Women’s Health. New York and London: Routledge, 177-194.

MANDERSON, L., Markovic, M. and Kelaher, M. 2000. Bodies transported: Health and identity among involuntary immigrant women from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Whiteford, L.M. and MANDERSON, L. (eds), Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The fallacy of a level-playing field. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 151-175.

MANDERSON, L. and Whiteford, L.M. 2000. Introduction: Health, globalization and the fallacy of a level-playing field. In Whiteford, L.M. and MANDERSON, L. (eds), Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The fallacy of a level-playing field. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1-19.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Researching risk: Prevention research on substance abuse, sexual behavior and HIV/AIDS in Asia and Australia. In P.Marshall, M.Singer and M.Clatts (eds), Integrating Cultural, Observational, and Epidemiological Approaches in the Prevention of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS: Current status and future prospects. NIDA Research Monograph. Washington: National Institute of Drug Abuse, 119-142.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Social meanings and sexual bodies: Gender, sexuality and barriers to women’s health care. In T.M.Pollard and S.B.Hyatt (eds), Sex, Gender and Health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 75-93.

Jirojwong, S. and MANDERSON, L. 1999. Physical health, life style and preventive health behaviours: what are the implications for health care for immigrants?  In Rice, P.L. (ed), Living in a New Country: Understanding Migrants Health. Melbourne: AusMed Publishers, 79-102.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Malaysia. In Ensiklopedia Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

MANDERSON, L. 1998. Health, illness and the social sciences. In Challenges for the Social Sciences and Australia, vol.2. Prepared by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Canberra: National Board of Employment, Education and Training, 251-277.

MANDERSON, L. 1998. Health matters in developing economies. In A.Petersen and C.Waddell (eds), Health Matters: a sociology of illness, prevention and care. Sydney: George Allen and Unwin, 97-113.

MANDERSON, L., Lee Chang Tye and Rajanayagam, K. 1997. Condom use in heterosexual sex: A review of research, 1985-1994. In J.Catalan, L.Sherr, and B.Hedge (eds) The Impact of AIDS: Psychological and Social Aspects of HIV Infection. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press,  1-26

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Shaping reproduction: Maternity in early twentieth century Malaya. In K.Ram and M.Jolly (eds), Maternities and Modernities:  Colonial and Post-Colonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 26-49.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Parables of imperialism and fantasies of the exotic: Western representations of Thailand, place and sex. In L.Manderson and M.Jolly (eds), Sites of Desire/Economies of Pleasure. Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 123-144.  Translated by Kamjorn Louiyapong, reprinted B.E. 2547 (2004), Kanjana Kaewthep and Prisara Sae Kuay, eds. Phedwithii wanwan wannee lae wanprung tiijamaimeduandeam (Reconceptualising Sexuality Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)), Bangkok: AmarBook Centre Co. Ltd., 226-271.

MANDERSON, L. and Jolly, M. 1997. Introduction: Sites of desire/economies of pleasure in Asia and the Pacific. In L.Manderson and M.Jolly (eds), Sites of Desire/Economies of Pleasure. Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1-26.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Migration, prostitution and medical surveillance in early 20th century Malaya. In L. Marks and M.Worboys (eds), Migrants, Minorities and Health: Historical and Contemporary Studies. London: Routledge, 49-69.

Rice, P.L. and MANDERSON, L. 1996. Introduction. Body matters among Asian women. In P.L.Rice and L.MANDERSON (eds) Maternity and reproductive health in Asian societies. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Press, 1-18.

MANDERSON, L. 1995. The pursuit of pleasure and the sale of sex. In P.R.Abramson and S.D.Pinkerton (ed), Sexual Nature/Sexual Culture: Theorizing sexuality from the perspective of pleasure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 305-329.

MANDERSON, L. 1995. Wireless wars in the Eastern Arena: Epidemiological surveillance, disease prevention and the work of Eastern Bureau of the League of Nations Health Organisation, 1925-1942. In P.Weindling (ed), International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918-1939. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 109-133.

MANDERSON, L. and Reid, J.C. 1994. What’s culture got to do with it? Race, ethnicity and health. In C.Waddell and A.Petersen (eds), Just Health: Inequality in illness, care and prevention. Melbourne/Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 7-26.

MANDERSON, L. 1994. Introduction: Pregnancy and birth in intercultural settings. In Pranee Liamputtong Rice (ed) Asian Mothers, Australian Birth. Pregnancy, Childbirth and Childrearing: The Asian experience in an English-speaking country. Melbourne: AUSMED Publications, 3-14.

MANDERSON, L. 1992. Maternal and child health in colonial Malaya. In V.Fildes, L.Marks and H.Marland (eds), Women and Children First: International Maternal and Infant Welfare 1870 – 1950. London: Routledge, 154-177.

MANDERSON, L. 1991. Gender and politics in Malaysia. Reflections on order, knowledge, and enquiry. In M.Stivens (ed), Why Gender Matters in Politics in Southeast Asia, Clayton, Vic.: Monash University, 47-64.

Inglis, C. and MANDERSON, L. 1991. Turkish immigrants in Australia. In M.Gibson and J.Ogbu (eds), Minority Status and Schooling: A comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities. New York and London: Garland Publishing Inc., 97-130.

Rimmer, P.J., MANDERSON, L. and Barlow, C. 1990.  The underside of Malaysian history:  A theoretical overview.  In P.J. Rimmer and L.M. Allen (eds), The Underside of Malaysian History. Pullers, prostitutes, plantation workers …, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 3-22.

Webb, K. and MANDERSON, L. 1990. Food habits and their influence on health. In J.C.Reid and P.Trompf (eds), The Health of Immigrant Australians, Sydney: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 154-205.

MANDERSON, L. 1990. Introduction: Does culture matter? In J.C.Reid and P.Trompf (eds), The Health of Immigrant Australians, Sydney: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, xi-xvii.

MANDERSON, L. 1990.  Race, colonial mentality and public health in early twentieth century  Malaya. In P.J. Rimmer and L.M. Allen (eds), The Underside of Malaysian History. Pullers, prostitutes, plantation workers …, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 193-213.

MANDERSON, L. 1990. Social and cultural aspects of AIDS. In G.Andrews (ed), The Social, Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of HIV Infection and Aids. Pendle Hill: Ciba-Geigy, 23-28.

MANDERSON, L. 1990.  Indochinese health: Creating cultural fictions. In Nguyen Xuan Thi, D.Cahill and L.Bertelli (eds), Australia and Indo-Chinese Health Issues. Melbourne: Australian Association of Vietnamese Studies, 76-88.

MANDERSON, L. 1989.  Political economy and the politics of gender:  Primary health care in colonial Malaya. In P.Cohen and J.Purcal (eds), The Political Economy of Primary Health Care in Southeast Asia.  Bangkok: Australian Development Studies Network and the ASEAN Training Centre for Primary Health Care Development, 76-94.

Fitzpatrick, J. and MANDERSON, L. 1989. Women, health and development in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: An overview. In Women’s Health, Women’s Development, J.Browett (ed) Centre for Development Studies Conference Paper Series No.6. Bedford Park: Flinders University of South Australia, 7-28.

MANDERSON, L. 1988.  Turks.  In J. Jupp (ed), The Australian people: an encyclopedia of the nation, its people and their origins.  Sydney:  Angus and Robertson, 818-825.

MANDERSON, L. 1988, 2000. Malays.  In J. Jupp (ed), The Australian people: an encyclopedia of the nation, its people and their origins. Sydney:  Angus and Robertson, 691-693.

Inglis, C. and MANDERSON, L. l988.  Turkish families, their children and education in Australia.  In R.Akcelik and J.Elley (eds), Turkish Community in Australia. Australian-Turkish Friendship Society Publications No.3. Melbourne: Australian-Turkish Friendship Society, 47-78.

MANDERSON, L. 1987.  Blame, responsibility and remedial action:  Death, disease and the infant in early twentieth century Malaya.  In N. Owen (ed), Death and Disease in Southeast Asia:  Explorations in Social, Medical and Demographic History. Singapore:  Oxford University Press, 257-82.

MANDERSON, L. and Pearson, G.  1987.  Perspectives on class, ideology and women in Asian societies.  In G. Pearson and L. Manderson (eds), Class, Ideology and Women in Asian Societies.  Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, 1-16.

MANDERSON, L. 1987.  Food supply and social change in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.  In Y. Atal (General Ed.), Food Deficiency: Studies and Perspectives.  Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific, RUSHSAP Series on Occasional Monographs and Papers 20, Bangkok:  UNESCO, 135-154.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Women, health and development in Southeast Asia.  In P.P. Courtenay (ed), Geographical Themes in Southeast Asia.  Melbourne:  Longman/Cheshire, 74-88.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Nature, culture, hot and cold:  Food classification and restriction in Peninsular Malaysia.  In L. Manderson (ed), Shared Wealth and Symbol:  Food, Culture and Society in Oceania and Southeast Asia.  New York:  Cambridge University Press, 127-143.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Introduction:  The anthropology of food in Oceania and Southeast Asia.  In L. Manderson (ed), Shared Wealth and Symbol: Food, Culture and Society in Oceania and Southeast Asia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1-25.

MANDERSON, L. and Mathews, M.  1985.  Care and conflict: Vietnamese medical beliefs and the Australian health care system.  In I. Burnley, G. McCall and S. Encel (eds), Immigration and Ethnicity in the 1980s. Melbourne: Longman/Cheshire, 248-60.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  To nurse and to nurture:  Breastfeeding in Australian society.  In V. Hull and M. Simpson (eds), Breastfeeding, Child Health and Child Spacing: Cross-cultural Perspectives.  London:  Croom Helm, 162-86.

MANDERSON, L. 1985, 2012.  Introduction:  Towards an anthropology of industrialised society.  In L. Manderson (ed), Australian Ways:  Anthropological Studies of an Australian Society. Sydney:  George Allen and Unwin.

MANDERSON, L. and Inglis, C.  1984.  Turkish migration and workforce participation in Sydney, Australia. International Migration Review 18, 2: 258-75.  Also as Turkische Migranten und ihre Rolle in der Anbertswelt Sydneys.  In W. Weber (ed) 1987. Einwanderungsland Australien. Frankfurt: Athenaum, 252-286.

MANDERSON, L. 1983.  Introduction.  In L. Manderson (ed), Women’s Work and Women’s Roles: Economics and Everyday Life in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.  Southeast Asian Monograph Series No.32. Canberra: Development Studies Centre, Australian National University.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Right and responsibility, power and privilege: Women’s roles in contemporary Indonesia.  In A.T. Zainu’ddin (ed), Kartini Centenary.  Indonesian Women Then and Now.  Melbourne:  Monash University Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, 69-92.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  Women in politics: Change or continuum?  The case of Malay women in Peninsular Malaysia.  In Organizing Committee (ed), Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia.  Bangkok: IAHA, 1042-1087.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  A woman’s place: Malay women and development in Peninsular Malaysia. In J.C.Jackson and M.Rudner (eds), Issues in Malaysian Development, Southeast Asia Publications Series No.3.  Singapore Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) for the Asian Studies Association of Australia, 233-272.

Kaunda-Khangamwa, B.N., Kapwata, P., Malisita, K., Munthali, A., Chipeta, E., Phiri, S. and MANDERSON, L.  In press. Service use and resilience among adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) in Blantyre, Malawi. International Journal for Integrated Care

van Niekerk, L., Gomez, M.B., Msiska, B.K., Mier-Alpaño, J., Ongkeko A.M., and MANDERSON, L. In press. Social Innovation in Health: Strengthening community systems for Universal Health Coverage

Tompson, A.C., MANDERSON, L. and Chandler, C.I.R. In press. Understanding antibiotic use: practices, structures and networks. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance.

Desai, M.M., Göç, N., Chirwa, T., MANDERSON, L., Charalambous, S., Curry, L.A. and Linnander, E. In press. Strengthening the mentorship and leadership capacity of HIV/AIDS researchers in South Africa. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Levine, S. and MANDERSON, L.  2021. Proxemics, COVID-19 and the ethics of care in South Africa. Colloquy on COVID-19, ed. Strong, T.,  Trnka, S. and Wynn, L.L. Cultural Anthropology 36, 3: 391-399.

Sitienei, J., Nangami, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2021. Collaborative governance in primary health care facilities in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. BMJ Open 16(3): e0248914. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248914

MANDERSON, L. and Doherty, C. 2021. Apprehending the Environment: Watersheds of Art and Science. Leonardo 54, 5. Extended abstract Aprilhttps://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_02070

Hinchliffe, S .,  MANDERSON, L.  and Moore, M. 2021. Public health and (un)healthy planetary publics after COVID-19. The Lancet Planetary Health 5, 4: e230-e236.

van Niekerk, L., MANDERSON, L.  and Balabanova,, D. 2021. The application of social innovation in healthcare: A scoping review. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 10: 26

Team, V. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. How COVID-19 Reveals Structures of Vulnerability. Medical Anthropology 39, 8: 671-674.

Dako-Gyeke, P., Amazigo, U.V., Halpaap, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Social innovation for health: Engaging communities to address infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 8: 98. doi: 10.1186/s40249-020-00721-3

MANDERSON, L. 2020. Prescribing, care and resistance: antibiotic use in urban South Africa. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 7: 77. doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-00564-1

MANDERSON, L. and Ross, F.C.  2020. Publics, technologies and interventions in reproduction and early life in South Africa. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 7: 40. doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-0531-3

MANDERSON, L. 2020. “Lifestyle” disease on the margins. Vital Topics. American Anthropologist 122(3): 655-656. doi.org/10.1111/aman.13448

MANDERSON, L. 2020. After illness, under diagnosis: Negotiating uncertainty and enacting care. Medicine Anthropology Theory 7, 2: 685.  doi.org/10.17157/mat.7.2.685

Kaunda-Khangamwa, B.N., Kapwata, P., Malisita, K., Munthali, A., Chipeta, E., Phiri, S. and MANDERSON, L.  2020. Adolescents living with HIV, complex needs and resilience in Blantyre, Malawi. AIDS Research and Therapy 17: 35.

MANDERSON, L. and Wahlberg, A. 2020. Chronic living in a communicable world. Medical Anthropology 39, 5: 428-439. doi: 10.1080/01459740.2020.1761352

MANDERSON, L. and Levine, S. 2020. COVID-19, risk, fear, and fall-out. Medical Anthropology 39, 5:  367-370. doi: 10.1080/01459740.2020.1746301

Awor, P., Nabiryo, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Innovations in Maternal Health: Case Studies from Uganda. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 9: 36. 10.1186/s40249-020-00651-0

Kagaha, A. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Medical technologies and abortion care practice in Eastern Uganda. Social Science & Medicine 247:112813. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112813

White, J., MANDERSON, L., Newman, L., and Melvin, G. 2020. Understandings of trauma: Contrasting Sudanese refugees and Holocaust survivors.  Journal of Refugee Studies. doi:10.1093/jrs/feaa019

Pillay, N., MANDERSON, L. and Mkhwanazi, N. 2020. Conflict and care in sexual and reproductive health services for young mothers in urban South Africa. Culture, Health & Sexuality 22,4: 459-473. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2019.1606282

Widiana, H.S., MANDERSON, L. and Simpson, K. 2020. Managing depression in primary health: The highlights of the program and further improvements. Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal 17, 1: 64-79.

Harling, G., Payne, C.F., Davies, J.I., Gomez-Olive, F.X., Kahn, K., MANDERSON, L., Mateen, F.J., Tollman, S.M., and Witham, M.D. 2020. Impairment in activities of daily living, care and unmet need in an older rural South African population: Findings from the HAALSI study. Journal of Ageing and Health 32, 5-6: 296-307. doi: 10.1177/0898264318821220

Harling, G., Morris, K.A., MANDERSON, L., Perkins, J.M. and Berkman, L.F 2020. Age and gender differences in social network composition and social support among older rural South Africans: Findings from the HAALSI study. Journal of Gerontology B. Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 75, 1: 148-159. doi/10.1093/geronb/gby013/4953803.

Sambala, E.Z., Cooper, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Ubuntu as a framework for ethical decision-making in Africa: Responding to epidemics. Ethics & Behavior 30, 1: 1-13.

Carruth, L., Chard, S., Howard, H., MANDERSON, L., Mendenhall, E., Vasquez, E. and Yates-Doerr, E. 2019. Disaggregating diabetes: New subtypes, causes, and care. Medicine Anthropology Theory Dec 16, doi.org/10.17157/mat.6.4.730

Nieuwoudt, S. Jewett, Ngandu, C.B., MANDERSON, L. and Norris, S.A. 2019. Exclusive breastfeeding policy, practice and influences in South Africa, 1980 to 2018: A mixed-methods systematic review. PLOS One 14(10): e0224029.

Mutua, M.M., Achia,T.N.O., Musenge, E. and MANDERSON, L. 2019. Spatial and socio-economic correlates of effective contraception among women seeking post-abortion care in healthcare facilities in Kenya. PLoS One 14(3): e0214049.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Humans on show: Performance, race and representation. Critical African Studies 10, 3:257-271.

Sidenius, A., MANDERSON, L., Mogensen, O., Rudnicki, M., Møller, L.M.A. and Hansen, H. P. 2019. “But this is a good cancer:” Patient perceptions of endometrial cancer in Denmark. Journal of Clinical Nursing 28, 1-2: 245-256.

Finda, M.F., Moshi, I.R., Monroe, A., Limwagu, A.J., Nyoni, A.P.,  Swai, J.K., Ngowo, H.S., Minja, E.G., Toe, L.P. Kaindoa, E.W., Coetzee, M., MANDERSON, L. and Okumu, F.O. 2019. Linking human and behaviours and malaria vector biting risk in south-eastern Tanzania. PLoS One 14, 6: e0217414.

Moshi, I.R., MANDERSON, L. Ngowo, H.S., Mlacha, Y.P., Okumu, F.O. and Mnyone, L.L.  2018. Outdoor malaria transmission risks and social life: a qualitative study in South-Eastern Tanzania. Malaria Journal 17: 397.

Sitienei, J., Nangami, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2018. Implementation of governance attributes in health, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The East African Health Research Journal 2, 2: 91-102.

Widiana, H.S., MANDERSON, L. and Simpson, K. 2018. Experiences of depression in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2018.1486811

Mutua, M.M., MANDERSON, L. Musenge, E. and Achia,T.N.O. 2018. Policy, law and post-abortion care services in Kenya. PLoS One 13, 9: e0204240. 

Nieuwoudt, S., MANDERSON, L. and Norris, S. 2018. Infant feeding practices in Soweto, South Africa: Implications for healthcare providers. South African Medical Journal 108 (9): 756-762.

Widiana, H.S., Simpson, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2018. Cultural expressions of depression and the development of the Indonesian Depression Checklist. Transcultural Psychiatry 55 (3): 339-360.

Nieuwoudt, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2018. Frontline health workers and exclusive breastfeeding guidelines in an HIV endemic South African community: a qualitative exploration of policy translation. International Breastfeeding Journal 13:20. Doi: 10.1186/s13006-018-0164-y

MANDERSON, L. and Levine, S. 2018. Southward focused: Medical anthropology in South Africa. American Anthropologist 120 (3): 566-569.

Marsay, C., MANDERSON, L. and Subramaney, U. 2018. Changes in mood after screening for antenatal anxiety and depression. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 36, 4: 347-362.

Mlotshwa, L., MANDERSON, L., Chasela, C. and Merten, S. 2018. Talking about sex in pregnancy: Reflections from the field in urban South Africa. Culture, Health & Sexuality 20, 11:1157-1170. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2017.142023

White, J., Newman, L., Melvin, G., MANDERSON, L. and Simpson, K. 2018. Contextualizing posttraumatic stress disorder within culturally diverse groups: a comparison of Holocaust survivors and Sudanese refugees. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 11, 3: 321-331.

MANDERSON, L., Bondjers, G., Izugbara, C., Cole, D.C., Egesah, O., Ezeh, A., and Fonn, S. 2017. Enhancing PhD Supervision in Africa: The CARTA approach. Codesria: The Journal of Higher Education in Africa 15, 2: 23-40.

Mlotshwa, L., Merten, S., and MANDERSON, L. 2017. Personal support and expressions of care for pregnant women in Soweto, South Africa. Global Health Action 10, 1: 1363454.

Sambala, E.Z. and MANDERSON, L. 2017. Anticipation and response: pandemic influenza in Malawi, 2009. Global Health Action 10,1: 1341225, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1341225

Moshi, I.R., Ngowo, H., Dillip, A., Msellemu, D., Madumla, E.P., Okumu, F.O., Coetzee, M., Mnyone, L.L. and MANDERSON, L. 2017. Community perceptions on outdoor malaria transmission in Kilombero Valley, Southern Tanzania. Malaria Journal 16: 274.

Sommerfeld, J., MANDERSON, L., Ramirez, B., Guth, J., and Reeder, J.C. 2017. Infectious disease research and the gender gap. Perspectives from the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR). Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 2: e9. doi:10.1017/gheg.2017.2

Price-Robertson, R., MANDERSON, L. and Duff, C. 2017. Mental ill health, recovery and the family assemblage. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 41, 3: 407-430. DOI: 10.1007/s11013-017-9522-2

Sambala, E.Z. and MANDERSON, L. 2017. Policy perspectives on post pandemic influenza vaccination in Ghana and Malawi. BMC Public Health 17: 227 (1-13)

Marsay, C., MANDERSON, L. and Subramaney, U. 2017. Validation of the Whooley questions for antenatal depression and anxiety among low-income women in urban South Africa. South African Journal of Psychiatry 23: a1013

Ayton, D., MANDERSON, L., and Smith, B. 2017. Barriers and challenges affecting the contemporary churches’ engagement in health promotion. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 28, 1. Online: dx.doi.org/10.1071/HE15037

Karasaki, M., Warren, N., and MANDERSON, L. 2017. Orchestrating home: experiences of spousal stroke care. Medicine, Anthropology, Theory 4, 1: 79-104.

Mbakile-Mahlanza, L., MANDERSON, L. and Ponsford, J. 2017. Cultural beliefs about TBI in Botswana. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 27, 1: 38-59.

Charoenwong, S., Chirawatkul, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2017. Emotional well-being following religious conversion among women in northeast Thailand. Journal of Religion and Health 56, 1: 118–129. doi: 10.1007/s10943-015-0176-5

Mbakile-Mahlanza, L., Ponsford, J., MANDERSON, L., and Downing, M. 2017. Family caregiving of individuals with traumatic brain injury in Botswana. Disability and Rehabilitation 39,6: 559-567.

MANDERSON, L. and Osborn, E. 2017. Rumble filters: Sonic environments and points of listening. Contemporary Music Review 36, 6: 119-126.

Davis, M., Whittaker, A., Lindgren, M., Djerf-Pierre, M., MANDERSON, L. and Flowers, P. 2017. Understanding media publics and the antimicrobial resistance crisis. Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice 13, 9: 1158-1168.

MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2016. “Just one thing after another”: Recursive cascades and chronic conditions. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 30, 4: 479-497. doi:10.1111/maq.12277

MANDERSON, L. 2016. Foetal politics and the prevention of chronic disease. Australian Feminist Studies 31, 88: 154-171.  doi 10.1080/08164649.2016.1224056.

Sambala, E.Z. and MANDERSON, L. 2016. Ethical issues in planning for and responses to pandemic influenza in Ghana and Malawi. Ethics & Behavior doi 10.1080/10508422.2016.1274993

Fonn, S., Egesah, O., Cole, D.C., Griffiths, F., MANDERSON, L., Kabiru, C., Ezeh, A., Thorogood, M. and Izugbara, C. 2016. Building the capacity to solve complex health challenges in sub-Saharan Africa: CARTA’s multidisciplinary PhD training. Canadian Journal of Public Health 107, 4-5: e381-e386.

Ayton, D., MANDERSON, L., Carey, G. and Smith, B. 2016. Health promotion in local churches in Victoria: an exploratory study. Health & Social Care in the Community 24, 6:  728-738. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12258.

Gartrell, A., Jennaway, M., MANDERSON, L. and Gooden, N.  2016. Making the invisible visible: Disability inclusive development in Solomon Islands. Journal of Development Studies 52, 10: 1389-1400.

Grigg, K. and MANDERSON, L.  2016. The Australian Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): Item Response Theory Findings. International Journal for Equity in Health 15: 49. doi: 10.1186/s12939-016-0338-4

MANDERSON, L., Mkhwanazi, N. and Block, E. 2016. Fragility, fluidity, and resilience: Caregiving configurations three decades into AIDS. AIDS Care 28, Supp.4: 1-7. PMID: 27410678

Nxumalo, N., Goudge, J. and MANDERSON, L.  2016. Community health workers, recipients’ experiences and constraints to care in South Africa – a pathway to trust. AIDS Care 28, Supp.4: 61-71. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1195484. PMID: 27345712

MANDERSON, L. and Block, E. 2016. Relatedness and care in southern Africa and beyond. Social Dynamics 42, 2: 205-217. doi: 10.1080/02533952.2016.1218139.

MANDERSON, L., Gartrell, A., Jennaway, M., Fangalasu’u, J. and Dolaiano, S. 2016.  Care arrangements and family contingencies in the Solomon Islands: A comparative example. Social Dynamics 42, 2: 335-351. doi: 10.1080/02533952.2016.1218140

Gartrell, A., Jennaway, M., MANDERSON, L., Fangalasu’u, J. and Dolaiano, S. 2016. Social determinants of disability-based disadvantage in Solomon Islands. Health Promotion International 1-11. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw071

Lin, V., Canaway, R., Carter, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2015. Room for improvement: complementary therapy users and the Australian health system. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy 18, 5:1451-1462.

Grigg, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2015. Is there a relationship between psychopathic traits and racism? Current Psychology 34, 4: 702-712.

Grigg, K., & MANDERSON, L. 2015. Developing the Australian Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES). The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist 32, 1:71-87.

Grigg, K., & MANDERSON, L. 2015. “Just a joke”: Young Australian understandings of racism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 47: 195-208.

MANDERSON, L., Davis, M., Colwell, C. and Ahlin, T. 2015. On secrecy, disclosure, the public and the private in anthropology. Current Anthropology 56 (S12): S183-190.

Ansariadi and MANDERSON, L. 2015. Antenatal care and women’s birthing decisions in an Indonesian setting: does location matter? Rural and Remote Health 15: 2959

Mbakile-Mahlanza, L., Ponsford, J. and MANDERSON, L. 2015. The experience of traumatic brain injury in Botswana. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 25 (6): 936-58.

Grigg, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2014. Building Harmony: Racism reduction in Australian schools. The Australian Community Psychologist 26, 2: 68-89.

Canaway, R., MANDERSON, L. and Oldenburg, B. 2014. Perceptions of benefit of complementary therapy use among people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Forschende Komplementärmedizin 21:25–33.

Wirattanapokin, S., Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Self-management styles of Thai adolescents with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Journal of Health Research 27, 6: 345-350

Lin, V., Canaway, R., Carter, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Room for improvement: complementary therapy users and the Australian health system. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy 08, doi:10.1111/Hex.12125

Canaway, R. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Quality of life, perceptions of health and illness, and complementary therapy use among people with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 19, 11: 882-90.

MANDERSON, L. and Canaway, R. 2013. Serious decisions: Chronic conditions and choice of provider, Qualitative Health Research 23,12: 1638-1648.

Canaway, R. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Complementary therapy use among Australians with type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Alternative and Complementary Therapies 19, 1: 18-27.

Kimani-Murage, E.W., MANDERSON, L., Norris, S.A. and Kahn K. 2013. “It’s my secret”: barriers to paediatric HIV treatment in a poor rural South African setting. AIDS Care 25, 6: 744-747.

Noh Amit, Hasking, P. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Demographic factors associated with alcohol use among young men in rural areas of Sarawak. Addiction Research & Theory 21, 5: 391-401.

Warren, N., Canaway, R., Unantenne, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. Taking control: Complementary and alternative medicine in chronic disease management Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 17, 4: 323 – 339.

Unantenne, N., Warren, N, Canaway, R. and MANDERSON, L. 2013. The strength to cope: Spirituality and faith in chronic disease. Journal of Religion and Health 52: 1147-1161.

Spinks, J.M, Hollingsworth, B., MANDERSON, L., Lin, V. and Canaway, R. 2012. Costs and drivers of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use in people with type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 5, 1: 44-53.

Team, V. Markovic, M., and  MANDERSON, L. 2012.  From state care to self-care: cancer screening behaviors among Russian-speaking Australian women. Australian Journal of Primary Health 18, 2: A-H, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/PY11158

MANDERSON, L., Oldenburg, B., Lin, V., Hollingsworth, B., de Courten, M., Canaway, R. and Spinks, J.  2012. Care-seeking, complementary therapy and herbal medical use among people with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: CAMELOT Phase II: surveying for diversity, Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine 24, 2: 46-55.

MANDERSON, L., Canaway, R., Unantenne, N., Oldenburg, B., Lin, V., Hollingsworth, B. and de Courten, M. 2012. Care-seeking, use of complementary therapies, and self-management among people with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. CAMELOT Phase I: an ethnographic approach. Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine 24, 1: 58-66.

Rattanamongkolgul, D., Sritanyarat, W. and MANDERSON, L. 2012. Preparing for older age in Northeastern Thailand. Nursing and Health Sciences, http://doi 10.1111/j.1442-2018.2012.00698.x.

Gwatirisa, P.Rutendo and MANDERSON, L. 2012. ‘Living from day to day’: Food insecurity, complexity and coping in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 51, 2: 97-113.

Vasey, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2012. Regionalizing immigration, health and inequality: Iraqi Refugees in Australia Administrative Sciences 2, 1: 47-61.

Brijnath, B, and MANDERSON, L. 2011. Appropriation and dementia in India. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 35, 4: 501-518.

Unger, C.C., Warren, N., MANDERSON, L., Grigg, K. and Canaway, R. 2011. Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and the utilisation of primary care in urban and rural settings. Rural and Remote Health 11: 1795, http://www.rrh.org.au.

Team, V. and MANDERSON, L. 2011. Social and public health impacts of climate change in “40 South.” WIREs Climate Change 2, 6: 902–918. DOI:10.1002/wcc.138

Team, V., Canaway, R. and MANDERSON, L. 2011. Integration of CAM information and advice in chronic disease management guidelines. Australian Journal of Primary Health 17: 1-8.

Stirling, L. and MANDERSON, L.  2011. About you: Empathy, objectivity and authority. Journal of Pragmatics 43: 1581-1602, doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2010.12.002.

Granado, S., MANDERSON, L., Tanner, M. and Obrist, B.  2011. Appropriating “malaria”: Local responses to malaria treatment and prevention in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.  Medical Anthropology 30, 1: 102-121.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Social capital and inclusion: Locating wellbeing in community. Australian Cultural History 28, 2-3: 233-252.

Ezeh, A.C., Izugbara, C.O., Kabiru, C.W., Fonn, S., Kahn, K., MANDERSON, L. Undieh, A., Omigbodun, A. and Thorogood, M. 2010. Building capacity for public and population health research in Africa: Research training in Africa (CARTA) model. Global Health Action 3: 5693, doi: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5693.

Whittaker, A., MANDERSON, L. and Cartwright, E.  2010. Patients beyond borders: A critical medical anthropology of medical travel. Medical Anthropology 29, 4: 336-343.

MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2010. The art of (re)learning to walk: Trust on the rehabilitation ward. Qualitative Health Research 20, 10: 1418-1432.

Chhea, C., Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2010. Health worker motivation and retention in rural Cambodia. Rural and Remote Health, 10(online): 1391, http://www.rrh.org.au.

MANDERSON, L. and Naemiratch, B.  2010. From Jollibee to BeeBee: ‘Lifestyle’ and chronic disease in Southeast Asia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 22, 3: 117S-124S.

Kimani-Murage, E.W., MANDERSON, L, Norris, S.A. and  Kahn, K. 2010. “You opened our eyes”: Narratives on attitudes and perceived utility of knowing child’s positive HIV status in care-giving in rural South Africa. Health and Social Care in the Community 18, 3: 264-271, doi 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00891.x.

Ramsay, T., MANDERSON, L and Smith, W.  2010. “From a mountain to a mustard seed:” The Brahma Kumaris, suffering and soul consciousness. Journal of Contemporary Religion 25, 1: 89-105.

Goudge,J., Ngoma, B., Schneider, H. and  MANDERSON, L . 2009. Resisting AIDS-related stigma and creating new lives in South Africa. SAHARA J: Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research in Africa Journal 6, 3: 94-104.

Katz, I., Schneider, H., Shezi, Z., Mdeleni, G., Gerntholtz, T., Butler, O., MANDERSON, L. and Naicker, S. 2009. Managing Type 2 Diabetes in Soweto – the South African Chronic Disease Outreach Program Experience. Primary Care Diabetes 3: 157-164.

Granado, S., MANDERSON, L., Obrist, B. and Tanner, M. 2009. The moment of sale: Treating malaria in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Anthropology and Medicine 16, 3: 319-331.

Hemachandra, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. Menstrual problems and health seeking behavior in Sri Lanka. Women & Health 49, 5: 405-421.

Hemachandra, N., Rajapaksa, L. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. “A usual occurrence:” Stress incontinence among reproductive-aged women in Sri Lanka. Social Science & Medicine 69, 9: 1395-1401.

Saw Saw, MANDERSON, L., Bandyopadhyay, M., Than Tun Sein, Myo Myo Mon & Win Maung. 2009. Public and/or private health care: Tuberculosis patients’ perspectives in Myanmar. Health Research Policy and Systems 7:19 (28 July), doi:10.1186/1478-4505-7-19.

Naemiratch, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2009.  Pity and pragmatism: Understandings of disability in northeast Thailand. Disability and Society 24, 4: 475-488.

Vasey, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. The paradox of integration: Iraqi women and service support in Australia. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 4, 4: 21-32.

Gwatirisa, P. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. Food security and HIV/AIDS in low-income households: The case of urban Zimbabwe.  Human Organization 68, 1: 103-112.

Fjord, L. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. Anthropological perspectives on disaster and disability: An introduction. Human Organization 68, 1: 64-72.

MANDERSON, L. and Kokanovic, R. 2009. “Worried all the time:” Distress and the circumstances of everyday life among immigrant Australians with type 2 diabetes. Chronic Illness 5, 1: 21-32.

MANDERSON, L., Aagaard-Hansen, J., Allotey, P., Gyapong, M. and Sommerfeld, J. 2009. Social research on neglected diseases of poverty: Continuing and emerging fields. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 3, 2: e332, doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000332.

Larsen, Eva Ladekjær and MANDERSON, L. 2009. A good spot: Health promoting discourse, healthy cities and heterogeneity in contemporary Denmark. Health and Place. 15, 2: 606-613.

Khun, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2008. Community participation and social engagement in the prevention and control of dengue fever in rural Cambodia. WHO Dengue Bulletin 32: 145-155.

MANDERSON, L. 2008. Acts of Remembrance: The power of memorial and the healing of indigenous Australia. Adler Museum Bulletin 34, 2: 5-19.

Brijnath, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2008. Discipline in Chaos: Foucault, Dementia and Ageing in India. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 32, 4: 607-626, doi 10.1007/s11013-008-911-5.

Naemiratch, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2008. “Normal, but …” Living with type 2 diabetes in Bangkok, Thailand. Chronic Illness 4, 3: 188-198.

Chirawatkul, S., MANDERSON, L., Rugwong, P., Chomnirat, W., Sosome, B. and Janjaiwit, P. 2008. Perceptions and experiences of villagers living with physical disabilities in Isan, Thailand. Asian Journal of Nursing 11, 1: 23-29.

Khun, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2008. Poverty, user fees and ability to pay for health care for children with suspected dengue in rural Cambodia.  BMC International Journal for Equity in Health 7: 10, doi:10.1186/1475-9276-7-10.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N.  2008. Endurance and contest: Women’s narratives of endometriosis. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 12, 3: 349-367.

MANDERSON, L., Warren, N. and Markovic, M.  2008. Circuit-breaking: pathways of treatment seeking for women with endometriosis. Qualitative Health Research 18, 4: 522-534.

Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2008. Constructing hope: Dis/continuity and narrative construction of recovery in the rehabilitation unit. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 37, 2: 180-201.

Misajon, R.A., Pallant, J.F., MANDERSON, L. and Chirawatkul, S.  2008. Measuring the impact of health problems among adults with limited mobility in Thailand: Further validation of the Perceived Impact of Problem Profile. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 6: 6, doi:10.1186/1477-7525-6-6.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2008. Pragmatic narratives of hysterectomy among Australian women. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 58, 7/8: 467-476, doi 10. 1007/s11199-007-9361-7.

Wray, N., Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2007. “Researcher saturation:” the impact of data triangulation and intensive-research practices on the researcher and qualitative research process. Qualitative Health Research 17 (10): 1392-1402.

Khun, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2007. Community and school-based health education for dengue control in rural Cambodia. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 1, 3: e143, doi: 10.371/journal.pntd. 0000143.

Khun, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2007. Health seeking and access to care for children with suspected dengue in Cambodia: An ethnographic study. BMC Public Health 7: 262

MANDERSON, L. , Bandyopadhyay, M., and Markovic, M. 2007. Women’s perspectives of pain following day surgery in Australia. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 24, 4: 19-23.

Wray, N., Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2007. Discourses of normality and difference: Responses to diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancer of Australian women. Social Science & Medicine  64 , 11: 2260-2271

Khun, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2007. Abate distribution and dengue control in rural Cambodia. Acta Tropica 101, 2: 139-146.

Team, V., Markovic, M, and MANDERSON, L. 2007. Family caregivers: Russian-speaking Australian women’s access to welfare support. Health and Social Care in the Community 15, 5: 397–406. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2524.2007.00709.x.

MANDERSON, L., Omar, Z., Rahim, R.B.A., Hamid, N.A., Beng, S.S. and Disler, P. 2007.  Interdisciplinary research on impaired mobility, disability and rehabilitation in Selangor. JUMMEC: Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre  9, 2: 12-17.

Naemiratch, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2007. Lay explanations of type 2 diabetes in Bangkok, Thailand.  Anthropology and Medicine 14, 1: 83-94.

Kokanovic, R. and MANDERSON, L.  2007. Exploring doctor-patient communication in immigrant Australians with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 22, 4: 459-463.

MANDERSON, L., and Stirling, L. 2007.  The absent breast: Speaking of the mastectomied body. Feminism and Psychology 17, 1: 75-92.

Andajani-Sutjahjo, S., MANDERSON, L. and Astbury, J. 2007. Complex Emotions, Complex Problems: Understanding the experiences of perinatal depression among new mothers in urban Indonesia. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 31, 1: 101-122, doi 10.1007/s11013-006-9040-0.

Kokanovic, R. and  MANDERSON, L. 2006. Social support and self-management of type 2 diabetes among immigrant Australian women. Chronic Illness 2, 4: 291-301.

MANDERSON, L., Bennett, E. and Andajani-Sutjahjo, S. 2006. The social dynamics of the interview: Age, class and gender. Qualitative Health Research 16, 10: 1317-1334.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L., Schaper, H. and Brennecke, S.  2006. Maternal identity change as a consequence of antenatal hospitalization. Health Care for Women International 27 (9): 762-776.

Misajon, R.A., MANDERSON, L., Pallant, J.F., Omar, Z., Bennett, E. and Rahim, R. B.A. 2006. Impact, distress, and HRQoL among Malaysian men and women with a mobility impairment. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 4:95 36, doi:10.1186/1477-7525-4-95.

Pallant, J.F., Misajon, R., Bennett, E. and MANDERSON, L. 2006. Measuring the impact and distress of health problems from the individual’s perspective: Development of the Perceived Impact of Problem Profile (PIPP). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 4:36, doi:10.1186/1477-7525-4-36.

Naemiratch, B. and MANDERSON, L. 2006. Control and adherence: living with diabetes in Bangkok, Thailand. Social Science & Medicine. 63(5): 1147-57.

Warren, N., Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2006. Typologies of rural lay-health advocacy among rural women in Australia. Women & Health 43(4): 27-48. Also in E.Cartwright and P. Allotey, eds. Participatory Action Research in Advocacy and Social Justice in Women’s Health.  Binghamton. NY: The Haworth Press.

MANDERSON, L. and Hoban, E. 2006. Cervical cancer services for Indigenous women: Advocacy, community-based research and policy change in Australia. Women & Health 43(4): 69-88. Also in E.Cartwright and P. Allotey, eds. Participatory Action Research in Advocacy and Social Justice in Women’s Health.  Binghamton. NY: The Haworth Press.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L., Wray, N. and Quinn, M. 2006. Complementary medicine use by Australian women with gynaecological cancer. Psycho-Oncology 15, 3: 209-220, doi: 10.1002/pon.936.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L. and Quinn, M. 2006. Treatment decisions: A qualitative study with women with gynecological cancer. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 46, 1: 46-48.

MANDERSON, L and Rapala, S. 2005.  Making sense of disruptions: Strategies of regrounding of ailing Polish immigrants in Melbourne, Australia. Human Organization 64, 5: 350-359.

Yuan Liping, MANDERSON, L., Ren Maoyuan, Li Guangping, Yu Dongbao and Fang Jinchen. 2005. School-based interventions to enhance knowledge and improve case management of schistosomiasis: a case study from Hunan, China. Acta Tropica 96, 2-3: 248-254.

Huang, Y. and MANDERSON, L. 2005. The social and economic context and determinants of schistosomiasis japonica.  Acta Tropica 96, 2-3: 223-231.

Rapala, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2005. Recovering In-validated Adulthood, Masculinity and Sexuality. Sexuality and Disability 23, 3: 161-180.

MANDERSON, L.  2005. Boundary breaches: The body, sex and sexuality post-stoma surgery Social Science & Medicine 61, 2: 405-415.

MANDERSON, L., Markovic, M. and Quinn, M.  2005. “Like roulette”:  Australian women’s explanations of gynaecological cancer. Social Science & Medicine 61, 2: 323-332.

Markovic M, MANDERSON, L., Wray N. and Quinn M. 2004. “He is telling us something”: women’s experiences of cancer disclosure in Australia. Anthropology and Medicine 11 (3): 325-339.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L. and Quinn, M. 2004. Embodied knowledge and the search for diagnosis. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 18 (3): 376-396.

Andajani-Sutjahjo, S. and MANDERSON, L.  2004. Stillbirth, neonatal death and reproductive rights in Indonesia. Reproductive Health Matters 12 (24): 1-8.

Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L., Baho, S. and Demian, L.  2004. Reproductive health for resettling refugee and migrant women. Health Issues, 78: 12-17

MANDERSON, L. 2004. Local rites and body politics:  Tensions between cultural diversity and human rights. International Feminist Journal of Politics 6, 2: 285-307.

Markovic, M., Bandyopadhyay, M., MANDERSON, L., Allotey, P., Murray, S. and Vu, T. 2004. Day surgery in Australia. Journal of Sociology 40, 1: 74-84.

McMichael, C. and MANDERSON, L. 2004. Somali women and well-being: Social networks and social capital among immigrant women in Australia. Human Organization 63, 1: 88-99.

MANDERSON, L. 2003. Teaching Gender, Teaching Women’s Health:  Introduction. Women & Health 37, 4: 1-9. Also in MANDERSON, L., ed.  Teaching Gender, Teaching Women’s Health: Case studies in medical and health science education. Binghamton. NY: The Haworth Press.

Hoban, E. and MANDERSON, L. 2003. Linking services and communities: The role of TBAs in safe motherhood in Cambodia. Nursing and Midwifery Links  April: 11-13.

Kelaher, M., MANDERSON, L. and Potts, H. 2003. Health service utilisation among Filipino women in remote Queensland. Rural and Remote Health 3 (online). URL http://rrh.deakin.edu.au (8 ).

Huang Yixin and MANDERSON, L. 2003. Rural people’s perceptions of schistosomiasis and other diseases. Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control 15, 2: 108-115.

Peake, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2003. The constraints of a normal life: The management of urinary incontinence by middle aged women. Women & Health 37, 3: 37-51.

MANDERSON, L. and Allotey, P. 2003. Cultural politics and clinical competence in Australian health services. Anthropology and Medicine 10, 1: 70-85.

MANDERSON, L. and Allotey, P. 2003. Storytelling, marginality and community in Australia: How immigrants position their difference in health care settings. Medical Anthropology 22,1: 1-21.

Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L. and Reidpath, D. 2002. Addressing cultural and linguistic diversity in Australian health services. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 13, 2: 29-33.

MANDERSON, L., Woelz-Stirling, N., Kelaher, M., Kaplan, J. and Greene, K. 2002. Sex, contraception and contradiction among young Filipinas in Australia. Culture, Health & Sexuality 4, 4: 381-391.

Thompson, S., MANDERSON, L., Woelz-Stirling, N., Cahill, A. and Kelaher, M. 2002. The social and cultural context of the mental health of Filipinas in Queensland. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 36, 5: 681-687.

Thompson, S., Hartel, G., MANDERSON, L., Woelz-Stirling, N. and Kelaher, M.  2002. The mental health status of Filipinas in Queensland. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 36, 5: 674-680.

Markovic M. and MANDERSON, L. 2002. Crossing national boundaries: Social identity formation among recent immigrant women in Australia from former Yugoslavia. Identity: An international journal of theory and research 2, 4: 303-316.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L. and Kelaher, M. 2002. The health of immigrant women: Queensland women from the former Yugoslavia. Journal of Immigrant Health 4, 1: 5-15. Co-designed research project, supervised first author’s PhD research, co-conceptualised and co-authored article Co-designed research project, supervised first author’s PhD research, co-conceptualised and co-authored article

MANDERSON, L. 2002. My left arm: Experiencing brachial plexopathy. Internal Medicine Journal 32, 7: 353-356.

Markovic, M., Bandyopadhyay, M., Vu, T. and MANDERSON, L. 2002. Gynaecological day surgery and quality of care, Australian Health Review 25, 3: 40-47.

Kelaher, M., MANDERSON, L. and Stellman, J.M. 2002. Welfare reforms in Australia: How will they affect women’s health? JAMWA – Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 57, 1: 49-53.

Jirojwong, S. and MANDERSON, L.  2002. Physical health and preventive health behaviors among Thai women in Brisbane, Australia. Health Care for Women International 23, 2: 197-206.

Yu Dongbao, MANDERSON, L., Yuan Liping, Wei Wangyuan, He Hongbin and Yan Chen. 2001. Is equity being sacrificed? Willingness and ability to pay for schistosomiasis control in China. Health Policy & Planning 16, 3: 292-301.

Woelz-Stirling, N., MANDERSON, L., Kelaher, M. and Benedicto, A-M. 2001. Young women in conflict: Filipinas growing up in Australia. Journal of Intercultural Studies 22, 3: 295-306.

Woelz-Stirling, N., Kelaher, M. and MANDERSON, L.  2001. Developing qualitative databases for multiple users. Qualitative Health Research 11, 2: 149-160.

Songwathana, P. and MANDERSON, L. 2001. Stigma and rejection: Living with AIDS in village Southern Thailand. Medical Anthropology 20, 1: 1-23.

Larson, A., Frkovic, I., van Kooten-Prasad, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2001. Mental health needs assessment in Australia’s culturally diverse society. Transcultural Psychiatry: 38, 3: 335-350.

Kelaher, M., Williams, G. and MANDERSON, L. 2001. The effect of partners’ ethnicity on the health of Filipinas in Australia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 25, 5: 531-543.

Kelaher, M., Potts, H. and MANDERSON, L. 2001. Health issues among Filipino women in remote Queensland. Australian Journal of Rural Health 9, 4: 150-157.

Kelaher, M., Williams, G. and MANDERSON, L.2001. Population characteristics and social issues among Filipinas in Queensland, Australia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 27, 1: 101-114.

Jirojwong, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2001. Beliefs and behaviors about Pap and breast self-examination among Thai immigrant women in Brisbane, Australia, Women & Health 33, 3-4: 47-66.

Jirojwong, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2001. Feeling of sadness: migration and subjective assessment of mental health among Thai women in Brisbane, Australia. Transcultural Psychiatry 38, 2: 167-186

Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L., and Grover, S. 2001. The politics of female genital surgery in displaced communities. Critical Public Health 11, 3:189-201. Reprinted in Ronald Labonte and Judith Green (eds), Critical Perspectives in Public Health, London: Taylor and Francis, 2007.

Yuan, L, MANDERSON, L., Tempongko, M.S.B., Wei. W. and Aiguo, P. 2000. The impact of educational videotapes on water contact behaviour of primary school students in the Donting Lakes region, China. Tropical Medicine and International Health 5, 8: 538-544

Woelz-Stirling, N., MANDERSON, L., Kelaher, M. and Gordon, S. 2000. Marital conflict and finances among Filipinas in Australia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 24, 6: 791-805.

Rose, G. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. More than a breath of difference: Competing paradigms of asthma. Anthropology and Medicine 7, 3: 335-350.

McMichael, C., MANDERSON, L., Kirk, M. and Potts, H. 2000. Breast cancer among Indigenous women. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 24, 5: 515-519.

Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. Nowhere is at home: Coping strategies of recent immigrants from the former Yugoslav Republics. Journal of Sociology 36, 3: 315-328

Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. European immigrants and the Australian labor market. A case study on women from the former Yugoslavia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 26, 1: 127-136.

Kelaher, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. Migration and Mainstreaming:  Matching health services to immigrants’ needs in Australia. Health Policy 54: 1-11.

Espino, F. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. Treatment seeking for malaria in Morong, Bataan, The Philippines. Social Science & Medicine 50, 9: 1309-1316.

Bissell, S., MANDERSON, L. and Allotey, P. 2000. In focus: Film, focus groups and working with children in Bangladesh. Visual Anthropology 13, 2: 169-183.

Huang Yixin and MANDERSON, L. 1999. Socioeconomic factors and the prevalence of Schistosomiasis Japonica in rural area of China. Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis 11, 3: 137-142.

Peake, S., MANDERSON, L. and Potts, H. 1999. “Part and parcel of being a woman”: Female urinary incontinence and constructions of control. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 13, 3: 267-285.

Miguel, C.A., MANDERSON, L., Tallo, V.L. and Lansang, M.A.  1999. Local knowledge and treatment of malaria in Agusan del Sur, The Philippines. Social Science & Medicine 48, 5: 607-618.

MANDERSON, L., Bennett, L.R. and Sheldrake, M. 1999. Sex, social institutions and social structure: Rethinking the contributions of anthropology to the study of sexuality. Annual Review of Sex Research 10: 184-209.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Public health developments in colonial Malaya: Colonialism and the politics of prevention. American Journal of Public Health 89, 1: 102-107.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Gender, normality and the post-surgical body. Anthropology and Medicine 6, 3: 381-394.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. New perspectives in anthropology on cancer control, disease and palliative care Anthropology and Medicine 6, 3: 317-321.

Kelaher, M., MANDERSON, L. and Williams, G. 1999. Towards evidence-based health promotion and service provision for new migrants to Australia. Ethnicity and Health 4, 4:305-312.

Kelaher, M., Gillespie, A., Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L., Potts, H., Sheldrake, M. and Young, M. 1999. The transtheoretical model and cervical screening: Its application among culturally diverse communities in Queensland, Australia. Ethnicity and Health 4, 4: 259-276.

Agyepong, I.A. and MANDERSON, L. 1999. Malaria prevention in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana: Mosquito avoidance and bed net use. Journal of Biosocial Science 31, 1: 79-92.

Woelz-Stirling, N., Kelaher, M. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. Power and the politics of abuse: Rethinking violence in Filipina-Australian marriages. Health Care for Women International 19, 4: 289-301

Songwathana, P. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. Perceptions of HIV/AIDS and caring for people with terminal AIDS in Southern Thailand: Perceptions and practice. AIDS Care 10, 2: 155-165.

Rozemberg, B. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. ‘Nerves’ and tranquilizer use in rural Brazil. International Journal of Health Services 28, 1: 165-181.

Miguel, C.A., MANDERSON, L. and Lansang, M.A.  1998. Patterns of treatment for malaria in Tayabas, The Philippines: Implications for control. Tropical Medicine and International Health 3, 5: 413-421.

MANDERSON, L., Kelaher, M., Williams, G. and Shannon, C.  1998. The politics of community: Negotiation and consultation in research on women’s health. Human Organization 57, 2: 222-239.

MANDERSON, L. and Wilson, R.P. 1998. Negotiating with Communities: The politics and ethics of research. Human Organization 57, 2: 215-6.

MANDERSON, L., Kelaher, M., Markovic, M. and McManus, K. 1998. A woman without a man is a woman at risk: Women at Risk in Australian Humanitarian Programs. Journal of Refugee Studies 11, 3: 267-283.

MANDERSON, L. 1998.  Applying medical anthropology to the control of infectious disease. Tropical Medicine and International Health 3, 12: 1020-1027.

Vlassoff, C. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. Incorporating gender in the anthropology of infectious diseases. Tropical Medicine and International Health 3, 12:  1011-1019.

MANDERSON, L., Kelaher, M., McLaughlin, C. and Sandberg, M. 1998. Security and safe havens: Health issues among women in mobile homes. Women & Health 28, 1: 83-96. Also in MANDERSON, L. (ed) Australian Women’s Health: Innovations in Social Science and Community Research. Binghamton. NY: The Haworth Press.

MANDERSON, L. 1998. Researching women’s health: Australian perspectives. Women & Health 28, 1: 1-4. Also in MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1999. Australian Women’s Health: Innovations in Social Science and Community Research. Binghamton. NY: The Haworth Press.

Kelaher, M., Baigrie, N., MANDERSON, L., Moore, L., Shannon, C. and Williams, G. 1998. Community perceptions of health, illness and care: Identifying issues for Indigenous communities. Women & Health 28, 1: 41-62. Also published in MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1999. Australian Women’s Health: Innovations in Social Science and Community Research. Binghamton. NY: The Haworth Press.

MANDERSON, L. and Mark, T.  1997. Empowering women: Participatory approaches in women, health and development projects. Health Care for Women International 18, 1: 17-30.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Colonial desires: Sexuality, race and gender in British Malaya. Journal of the History of Sexuality 7, 3: 372-388.

Espino, F., MANDERSON, L., Acuin, C., Domingo, F. and Ventura, E. 1997. Perceptions of malaria in a low endemic area of The Philippines: Transmission and prevention of disease. Acta Tropica 63, 4: 221-239.

Simon, A., Janabi, M., Kalmayem, G., Waidubu, G., Galia, E., Pague, L., MANDERSON, L. and Riley, I. 1996. Caretakers’ management of childhood ARI and the use of antibiotics, Bohol, The Philippines. Human Organization 55, 1: 76-83.

MANDERSON, L. 1996. Changes in health status and health systems. Asian Studies Review 20, 1: 1-4.

Carpenter, H., MANDERSON, L., Janabi, M., Kalmayem, G., Simon, A. and Waidubu, G. 1996. The politics of drug distribution in Bohol, the Philippines. Asian Studies Review 20, 1: 35-52.

Brown, W., Bryson, L., Byles, J., Dobson, A., MANDERSON, L., Schofield, M. and Williams, G. 1996. Women’s Health Australia: Establishment of The Australian Longitudinal Study of Women’s Health. Journal of Women’s Health 5, 5: 467-472.

MANDERSON, L., Agyepong, I., Aryee, B. and Dzikunu, B. 1996. Anthropological methods for malaria interventions.  Practicing Anthropology 18, 3: 32-39.

Almedom, A.M., Blumenthal, U. and MANDERSON, L. 1996. Public health engineering: Hygiene Evaluation Procedures. Practicing Anthropology 18, 3: 24-28.

MANDERSON, L., Almedom, A., Gittelsohn, J., Helitzer-Allen, D. and Pelto, P. 1996. Transferring anthropological techniques in applied research. Practicing Anthropology 18, 3: 3-7.

Tang Linhua, MANDERSON,L., Deng Da, Wu Kaichen, Cai Xianzheng, Lan Changxiong, Gu Zhengcheng and Wang Ke-an. 1995. Social aspects of malaria in Heping, Hainan. Acta Tropica 59, 1: 41-53.

McNee, A., Khan, N., Dawson, S., Gunsalam, J., Tallo, V.L., MANDERSON, L. and Riley, I. 1995. Responding to cough: Boholano illness classification and resort to care in response to childhood ARI. Social Science & Medicine 40, 9: 1279-1289.

Crouch, M. and MANDERSON, L. 1995. The social life of bonding theory. Social Science & Medicine 41, 6: 837-844.

Mulvey, G.R. and MANDERSON, L. 1995. Contact tracing and sexually transmitted disease: perspectives of Aboriginal men on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara lands. Australian Journal of Public Health 19, 6: 596-602.

Bennett, E., MANDERSON, L., Kelly, B. and Hardie, I. 1995. Cultural factors in dialysis and renal transplantation among Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in Far North Queensland. Australian Journal of Public Health 19, 6: 610-615.

Fitzpatrick, J. and MANDERSON, L. 1995. Health at the margins: Providing services in remote areas and for marginal populations. Australian Journal of Public Health 19, 6: 546-548.

MANDERSON, L. 1994. Social science research and tropical disease. Medical Journal of Australia 160: 289-292.

Chirawatkul, S. and MANDERSON, L. 1994. Perceptions of menopause in Northeast Thailand: Contested meaning and practice. Social Science & Medicine 39, 11: 1545-1554.

MANDERSON, L. 1994. Drugs, sex and social science: Social science research and health policy in Australia. Social Science & Medicine 39, 9: 1275-1286.

Agyepong, I.A. and MANDERSON, L. 1994. The diagnosis and management of fever at household level in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana. Acta Tropica 58, 3-4: 317-330.

Vlassoff, C. and MANDERSON, L. 1994. Evaluating agency initiatives: Building social science capability in tropical disease research. Acta Tropica 57, 2-3: 103-122.

MANDERSON, L. 1994. Incorporating social sciences into health research. Acta Tropica 57, 2-3: 97-101.

MANDERSON, L., Jenkins, J. and Tanner, M. 1993. Women and tropical disease. Special issue of Social Science & Medicine 37, 4: 441-443.

MANDERSON, L. and Akatsu, H. 1993. Whale meat in the diet of Ayukawa villagers. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 30, 3-4: 207-220.

Crouch, M. and MANDERSON, L. 1993. Parturition as social metaphor. The Australia and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 29, 1: 1-18.

MANDERSON, L. and Aaby, P. 1992. An epidemic in the field?  Rapid assessment procedures and health research. Social Science & Medicine 35, 7: 839-850.

MANDERSON, L. and Aaby, P. 1992. Can rapid anthropological procedures be applied to tropical  diseases? Health Policy & Planning 7, 1: 46-55.

Khan, M.E. and MANDERSON, L. 1992. Focus groups in tropical diseases research.  Health Policy and Planning 7, 1: 56-66. Also published as Focus groups in rapid assessment procedures. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 14, 2: 119-127.

MANDERSON, L. 1992. Community participation and malaria control in Southeast Asia: Defining the principles of involvement. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 23, Su1: 9-17.

MANDERSON, L. 1992. Public sex performance in Patpong and explorations of the edges of imagination. Journal of Sex Research 29, 4: 451-475.

Huang, Y. and MANDERSON, L. 1992. Schistosomiasis and the social patterning of infection. Acta Tropica 51, 3-4: 175-194.

MANDERSON, L. 1991. Medical anthropological research in Australia. Annual Review of Health Social Sciences 1: 54-65.

MANDERSON, L. 1990. “The laws of a footfall”: Anthropology and the politics of knowledge. Inaugural Lecture. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press.  Also in Meanjin 49, 2: 340-352 (abridged version).

MANDERSON, L. 1989. Infant feeding practice in Australia: Recent trends, Australian Journal of Early Childhood 14: 30-35.

MANDERSON, L. 1988/89.  Consuming images: Adolescence, food and culture. The Bulletin of the National Clearinghouse for Youth Studies 7, 4 & 8, 1 (Double issue): 33-37.

MANDERSON, L. 1988.  Little revolutions in the realm of reproduction. Australian Feminist Studies 3, 7-8: 255-263.

MANDERSON, L. l987.  Malay women in politics reconsidered. Jurnal Antropologi dan Sosiologi 15: 3-16.

MANDERSON, L. 1987.  Gender, substance and subsistence:  Introduction.  In L. Manderson (ed), Gender, Substance and Subsistence: Food and Social Relations in Melanesian Societies.  Special issue of Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 84: 49-50.

MANDERSON, L. 1987.  Hot-cold food and medical theories:  Overview and introduction.  In L. Manderson (ed), Hot-Cold Food and Medical Theories.   Special issue of Social Science & Medicine 25, 4: 329-330.

MANDERSON, L. 1987.  Health services and the legitimation of the colonial state:  British Malaya 1786-1941. International Journal of Health Services 17, 1: 91-111.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Edward Shorter and the disembodiment of women’s history. Canberra Anthropology 9, 1: 90-101.

MANDERSON, L. and Inglis, C.  1985.  Workforce participation and childrearing amongst Turkish women in Sydney, Australia. Ethnic and Racial Studies 8, 2: 194-208.

Inglis, C. and MANDERSON, L.  1984.  Patterns of childcare among women in the Sydney Turkish community. Australian Journal of Social Issues 19, 1: 113-24.

MANDERSON, L. 1984.  “These are modern times”:  Infant feeding practice in contemporary Malaysia. Social Science & Medicine 18, 1: 47-57.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Bottle feeding and ideology in colonial Malaya:  The production of change. International Journal of Health Services 12, 4: 597-616.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Infant feeding practice, market expansion, and the patterning of choice, Southeast Asia, 1880-1980. New Doctor 26: 27-32.

Mathews, M. and MANDERSON, L.  1981.  Vietnamese behavioural and dietary precautions during confinement. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 11, 1: 9-16.

MANDERSON, L. and Mathews, M.  1981.  Vietnamese behavioural and dietary precautions during pregnancy. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 11: 1-8.

MANDERSON, L. and Mathews, M.  1981.  Vietnamese attitudes towards maternal and infant health. Medical Journal of Australia 1, 2: 69-72.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Cultural aspects of loss and grief. New Doctor 21: 33-36.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Roasting, smoking and dieting in response to birth: Malay confinement in cross-cultural perspective. Social Science & Medicine 15B: 509-20.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Traditional food beliefs and critical life events in Peninsular Malaysia. Social Science Information 20, 6: 947-75.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Traditional food classification and humoral medical theory in Peninsular Malaysia. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 11, 2: 81-93.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Socio-economic and cultural correlates of gastroenteritis amongst infants and small children in Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child Health 27, 3: 166-76.

Mathews, M. and MANDERSON, L.  1980.  Infant feeding practices and lactation diets amongst Vietnamese immigrants. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 16, 4: 263-66.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  Going through the motions: Aspects of the organizational activities of the Pergerakan Kaum Ibu UMNO Malaysia, 1949-1972. International Journal of Women’s Studies 2, 1: 1-26.

MANDERSON, L. 1978.  Aspects of the leadership of the Pergerakan Kaum Ibu UMNO Malaysia:  The Sumatran connection.  RIMA:  Review of Indonesian and Malayan Affairs 12, 2: 17-42.

MANDERSON, L. 1978.  The development and direction of female education in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 51, 2: 100-22.

MANDERSON, L. 1978.  Women and work:  Continuities of the past and present.  Asia Teachers’ Bulletin 6, 2: 6-24.  Also in Kabar Seberang 5-6: 94-111.

MANDERSON, L. 1977.  The shaping of the Kaum Ibu (women’s section) of the United Malays National Organization.  SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 3, 1: 210-228.  Also in Wellesley Editorial Committee (ed), Women and National Development: The Complexities of Change. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 210-28.

MANDERSON, L. 1977.  Women and development in Peninsular Malaysia: Some preliminary notes. Kabar Sebarang 2: 61-84. 0314-5786

MANDERSON, L. and Doherty, C. Guest eds. 2021. Watershed. ArtScience: The Essential Connection. Leonardo

MANDERSON, L. Guest ed. 2020. After Illness, Under Diagnosis. Medicine, Anthropology, Theory 7, 2.

Hinchliffe, S., MANDERSON, L. and Moore, M. 2019-2020. Guest eds. From public health to healthy publics – conceiving, building and supporting. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 5-7. https://www.nature.com/collections/jgfbhbbcef

MANDERSON, L., Amazigo, U. and Dako-Gyeke, P. Guest ed. 2019-2020. Social innovation to transform health care delivery. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 8-9.  https://www.biomedcentral.com/collections/SIHI

MANDERSON, L. and Osborn, E. (Guest eds.) 2017. Echologies: Perspectives on Sonic Environments. Contemporary Music Review 36, 6.

MANDERSON, L. and Block, E. (Guest eds.) 2016. Kinship and Constellations of Care. Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies 42, 2.

MANDERSON, L., Block, E. and Mkhwanazi, N. (Guest eds.) 2016. Responsibility, Intimacy and Care. AIDS Care: Psychological and Sociomedical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 28, Supp. 4.

MANDERSON, L., Colwell, C. and Davis, M. (Guest eds.) 2015. The Death of the Secret: The Public and Private in Anthropology. Current Anthropology 56, S12.

MANDERSON, L., Block, E. and White, H., eds. Forthcoming. Kinship and Constellations of Care. Special issue, Social Dynamics

MANDERSON, L., Block, E. and Mkhwanazi, N., eds. Forthcoming. Responsibility, Intimacy and Care. Special supplement, AIDS Care: Psychological and Sociomedical Aspects of AIDS/HIV

MANDERSON, L., Colwell, C. and Davis, M. 2015. The Life and Death of the Secret. Current Anthropology.

Fjord, L. and MANDERSON, L. (Guest eds) 2009. Anthropological perspectives on disaster and disability. Human Organization 68, 1.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed) 2003. Belief Systems and Desire – Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific. Special issue of Culture, Health and Sexuality 5,3.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 2003. Teaching Gender, Teaching Women’s Health: Case studies in medical and health sciences education. Women & Health 37, 4. Also published as MANDERSON, L. (ed) Teaching Gender, Teaching Women’s Health: Case studies in medical and health sciences education. Binghamton, N.Y.: The Haworth Press.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1999. Cultural aspects of cancer and palliative care. Anthropology and Medicine 6, 3.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1998. Special issue on women’s health research in Australia. Women & Health 28, 2. Also published as MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1999. Australian Women’s Health: Innovations in Social Science and Community Research. Binghamton, N.Y.: The Haworth Press.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1996. Health in South and Southeast Asia: Changes in health status and health services. Asian Studies Review 17, 1.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1996. Handbooks and Manuals in Applied Research. Practicing Anthropology 18, 3.

Fitzpatrick, J. and MANDERSON, L. (Guest eds.) 1995. Health at the margins. Special issue of Australian Journal of Public Health 19, 6.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1994. Institutional strengthening and the development of research capacity in the social sciences. Special issue of Acta Tropica 57, 2/3.

Jenkins, J., MANDERSON, L. and Tanner, M. (Guest eds.). 1993. Women and Tropical Disease. Special issue of Social Science & Medicine 37, 4.

Sornmani, S. and MANDERSON, L. (Guest eds.) 1992. Social and behavioural aspects of malaria control. Special issue of Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 23, Supp1.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1987.  Gender, Substance and Subsistence: Food and Social Relations in Melanesian Societies.  Special issue of Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 84.

MANDERSON, L. (Guest ed.) 1987.  Hot-Cold Food and Medical Theories: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Special issue of Social Science & Medicine 25, 4.

(Committee report). 1984. Strengthening Developing Country Institutions Concerned with Food and Nutrition. A Committee Report to the 10th Session of the ACC/SCN, Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome, March 5-9, l984.

Akimichi, T. et al. 1988.  Small-Type Coastal Whaling in Japan. Report of an International Workshop. Occasional Publication No.27. Edmonton: Boreal Institute of Northern Studies and the Japan Social Science Association of Canada.

Crouch, M. and MANDERSON, L. 1988. Submission to the Ministerial Taskforce to Review Obstetric Services in NSW, School of Sociology, University of New South Wales.

MANDERSON, L. and Western, J. 1989. Consultancy Review of UNESCO Social Sciences Programme. Report to Australian National Commission for UNESCO. St Lucia, University of Queensland.

Uren, M., Blok, J. and MANDERSON, L. (eds) 1990.  Arbovirus Research in Australia. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium, 28 August – 1 September 1989. CSIRO and QIMR: Brisbane.

Inglis, C., Elley, J. and MANDERSON, L. 1992. “Making something of myself…”:  Educational Attainment and Social and Economic Mobility of Turkish Young People in Australia. Report prepared for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 160

MANDERSON, L. Valencia, L.B. and Thomas, B. 1992. Bringing the People In: Community participation and the control of tropical disease.  Resource Paper No.1, Social and Economic Research in Tropical Diseases. TDR/SER/RP/92/1. Geneva: UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR).

Dawson, S., MANDERSON, L. and Tallo, V.L. 1992. The Focus Group Manual. Methods for Social and Economic Research in Tropical Diseases No. 1. Geneva: World Health Organization. Republished as A Manual for the Use of Focus Groups (Boston, Mass: International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries, 1993); Le Manuel des Groupes focaux (Boston, Mass: International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries, 1995); Manual del Grupo Cental (Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1996).

Mark, T. and MANDERSON, L. 1994. Increasing Women’s Access to Health Services: Australian NGO experiences. Consultancy report to AIDAB. Brisbane: Tropical Health Program, 44

Agyepong, I.A., Aryee, B., Dzikunu, H. and MANDERSON, L. 1995. The Malaria Manual. Guidelines for the rapid assessment of social, economic and cultural aspects of malaria. Methods for Social and Economic Research in Tropical Diseases No. 2. Geneva: World Health Organization.

MANDERSON, L., Mark, T. and Woelz, N. 1996. Women’s participation in health and development projects. Gender and Tropical Disease Resource Paper No.1. TDR/SER/RP/96/2. Geneva: UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR).

Desmarchelier, P. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Household Studies for Food Safety. Unpublished report to WHO Food Safety Unit, Geneva.

UNAIDS. 1997. Expanding the National Response to HIV/AIDS: A Guide to Strategic Planning. Prepared by Abaogye-Kwarteng, T., Larson, A., MANDERSON, L. and Msiska, R. for UNAIDS, Geneva.

Larson, A. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Contextual Assessment Procedures for STDs and HIV/AIDS Prevention Programmes: A Manual. Prepared for WHO/GPA, Division on Technical Co-operation, Planning Management and Training Unit, Geneva). Brisbane: The Australian Centre for International & Tropical Health & Nutrition, The University of Queensland.

Almedom, A.M., Blumenthal, U. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Hygiene Evaluation Procedures. Approaches and methods for assessing water and sanitation hygiene practices. Boston, Mass: International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Population and Reproductive Health Programmes: Applying Rapid Anthropological Assessment Procedures. Technical Report No 39. New York: United Nations Population Fund, v, 53

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1997. Expert Consultative Meeting on Rapid Assessment Procedures and their Application to Population Programmes. Technical Report No 40. New York: United Nations Population Fund.

Kelaher, M., Gillespie, A., Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L., Potts, H., Sheldrake, M. and Young, M. 1998. The Impact of Culture and Ethnicity on Cervical Screening in Queensland. Report to Queensland Health. Brisbane: Australian Centre for International & Tropical Health & Nutrition, The University of Queensland.

Larson, A., van Kooten-Prasad, M., MANDERSON, L. and Frkovic, I. 1998. Assessing Needs for Mental Health in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities: A Qualitative Approach.  Melbourne: Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network.

Blignault, A., D’Cruz, H., Farcut, M., Fielding, A., Frkovic, I., Ife, J., Larson, A., MANDERSON, L. and van Kooten-Prasad, M. 1998. Transcultural Mental Health Needs Assessment: Towards a new approach.  Melbourne: Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network.

Kirk, M., Hoban, E., Dunne, A. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. Barriers to and Appropriate Delivery Systems for Cervical Cancer Screening in Indigenous Communities in Queensland: Executive Summary. Brisbane: Government Press.

Kirk, M., Hoban, E., Dunne, A. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. Barriers to and Appropriate Delivery Systems for Cervical Cancer Screening in Indigenous Communities in Queensland: Final Report. Brisbane: Government Press.

Kirk, M., Hoban, E., Dunne, A. and MANDERSON, L. 1998. Cancer screening among Indigenous Women in Remote Queensland Communities; Cancer screening among Indigenous Women in Rural Queensland Communities; and Cancer screening among Indigenous Women in Urban Queensland Communities. Brisbane: Government Press.

Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L., Nikles, J., Reidpath, D. and Sauvarin, J. 1998. Cultural Diversity: A Guide for Health Professionals. Brisbane: Queensland Government Press. Expanded version at URL http://www.health.gov.au.

Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L. and Nikles, J. 1998. Guidelines to Practice:  Providing care to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Brisbane: Government Press.

Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L. and Nikles, J. 1998. Checklist for Cultural Assessment. Brisbane: Government Press. ([25] and [26] are supplemented by a poster, Ask: Your patient is the cultural expert).

MANDERSON, L. (ed) 1999. Reconciliation: Perspectives from the Academy. Occasional Paper 2/1999. Canberra: Academy of Social Sciences of Australia.

Hooke, G., MANDERSON, L., Munce, K. and Sheret, M.  1999. UNICEF Systems Review. L.MANDERSON: Health Sector Reviews, China and the Philippines. Report for Hassell and Associates to AusAID.

Kirk, M., McMichael, C., Potts, H., Hoban, E., Hill, D.C. and MANDERSON, L. 2000a. Breast Cancer: Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Queensland. Final Report. Brisbane: Queensland Health.

Kirk, M., McMichael, C., Potts, H., Hoban, E., Hill, D.C. and MANDERSON, L. 2000b. Breast Cancer among Indigenous Women: Community Report. Brisbane: Queensland Health.

Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. Cultural Responsiveness in Women’s Health. A practical guide for health professionals. Melbourne: Royal Women’s Hospital.

Bennett, L.R., MANDERSON, L. and Astbury, J. 2000. Mapping A Global Pandemic: Review of Current Literature on Rape, Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment of Women. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research.

Bennett, L.R. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. Eliminating sexual violence against women Towards a Global Initiative. Report of the Consultation on Sexual Violence Against Women, The University of Melbourne, May 2000. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research.

Anderson, I., Young, H., Markovic, M. and MANDERSON, L. 2000. Aboriginal primary health care in Victoria: Issues for policy and regional planning. Discussion Paper. Melbourne: Koori Health Research and Community Development Unit, The University of Melbourne.

MANDERSON,L., Bandyopadhyay, M. and Donath, S. 2000. Non-Attendance in the BreastScreen Australia Program: A Literature and Data Review. Report for BreastScreen Australia. Melbourne: Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, The University of Melbourne.

Morrow, M., Allotey, P., MANDERSON, L. and Pelto, P. 2001. Giving Youth a Voice: Conducting a Rapid Assessment of Adolescent Health Needs. A Manual for Health Planners and Researchers. Manila: WHO Western Pacific Regional Office.

Espino, F.E., Koops, V. and MANDERSON, L. 2003. Community Participation and the Control of Tropical Diseases. Occasional Paper, Social, Economic and Behavioral Aspects of Tropical Diseases. Geneva: WHO.

Abu-Duhou, J., Yuan, L. and MANDERSON, l. 2003. Gender sensitivity and gender-based analysis in women’s health development: Historical outlines and case studies of best practice. Kobe: The Women and Health Programme, The WHO Centre for Health and Development. WHO/WKC/Tech.Ser./03.3

MANDERSON, L. and Vormwald, K. 2006. Support and Supported Accommodation for Younger People with Disability in Residential Aged Care. Submission to Disability and Carer’s, Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Canberra

MANDERSON, L. and Markovic, M. 2007. Malaysian Information Network on Disability (MIND) Consultancy Report. Kuala Lumpur: MIND.

Team, V., Vasey, K. and MANDERSON, L. 2009. Multicultural Clinical Support: Resources for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. Brisbane, Qld.: Queensland Health. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/multicultural/ support_tools/mcsr.asp.

National Health, Wellbeing and Security Thematic Foresighting Group. 2009. Population health and wellbeing: The urban environment, demographic profile, Asia-and-Pacific regional relations, and sustainable living. Report to the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC).

MANDERSON, L. and Rochecouste, G. 2010. The Inclusive City. In Roux, M. and  Stanley, J. eds.. ADC Forum Cities Report: Enhancing Liveability. Pp. 51-61. Melbourne: Australian Davos Connection.

Gartrell, A., MANDERSON, L., Jennaway, M., Fangalasu’u, J. and Dolaiano, S. 2013.  Disability Inclusive Development in the Solomon Islands. Final Report to AusAID. Melbourne and Honiara: Monash University and People with Disabilities Solomon Islands.

Raupach, M., McMichael, A.J., Finnigan, J.J., MANDERSON, L. and Walker, B.H., eds. Living Scenarios for Australia in 2050: Pathways for a Negotiable Future. Vols 1 & 2. Canberra, ACT: Academy of Science.

MANDERSON, L. 1975.  Women in administration:  Perspective. Royal Institute of Public Administration Newsletter (A.C.T.) (Special Issue) June: 42-45

MANDERSON, L. 1977.  Peranan wanita dalam politik. Kancil.  August: 52-55, 90

MANDERSON, L. 1978.  Review of Connor Bailey (1976), Broker, Mediator, Patron and Kinsman.  An Historical Analysis of Key Leadership Roles in a Rural Malaysian District. Asian Studies Association of Australian (ASAA) Review 1, 3: 133-34.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Food Problems:  A move to remedy past omissions. Australian Anthropological Society Newsletter 4: 6-7.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  Review of Melford Spiro (1977), Kinship and Marriage in Burma.  A Cultural and Psychodynamic Analysis. Sociology and Social Research 63, 2: 405-07.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  Review of Betty Jamie Chung and Ng Shui Meng (1977), The Status of Women in Law: A Comparison of Four Asian Countries. ASAA Review 3, 1: 87-88.

MANDERSON, L. 1979.  Review of John A. Lent (ed) (1979), Malaysian Studies: Present Knowledge and Research Trends. RIMA:  Review of Indonesian and Malayan Affairs 13, 2: 160-02.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  “Food problems” and the anthropology of food. Australian Anthropological Society Newsletter 5/6: 8-9.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Review of Louis Golomb (1978), Brokers of Morality:  Thai Ethnic Adaptation in a Rural Malaysian Setting. Kabar Seberang 7: 131-32.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Review of Clive S. Kessler (1978), Islam and Politics in a Malay State.  Kelantan 1838-1969. ASAA Review 3, 3: 114-16.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Review of Eddie C.Y. Kuo and Aline K. Wong (eds) (1979), Contemporary Family in Singapore: Structure and Change. Journal of Asian Studies 39, 4: 891-92.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Review of H.E. Wilson (1978), Social Engineering in Singapore: Educational Policies and Social Change 1819-1972. Journal of Asian Studies 39, 4: 878-80.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Reviews of John G. Butcher (1979),  The British in Malaya 1880-1940.  The social history of a European community in colonial Southeast Asia;  A.J. Stockwell (1979), British Policy and Malay Politics during the Malayan Union Experiment 1942-1948;  Ahmad Boestaman (trans. W. Roff) (1979). ASAA Review 4, 2: 76-79.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Reviews of Donald Symons (1979), The Evolution of Human Sexuality; Kathleen Newland (1979), The Sisterhood of Man:  The impact of women’s changing roles in social and economic life around the world. Mankind 12, 4: 351-52.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  In good humour. Hemisphere 25, 3: 154-9.

MANDERSON, L. 1980.  Self, couple, and community:  Recent writings on lesbian women. Hecate: A Women’s Interdisciplinary Journal VI, 1: 67-79.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Pig roast and dance: Structures and symbols in a white Australian rite. Australian Anthropological Society Newsletter 11: 50-52.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Reviews of Robin J. Pryor (ed) (1979), Migration and Development in South-East Asia: A Demographic Perspective;  J.M. Hardjono (1977), Transmigration in Indonesia; Paul A. Meyer and Colin MacAndrews, Transmigration in Indonesia:  An Annotated Bibliography. Journal of Asian Studies 40, 1: 201-04.

MANDERSON, L. 1981.  Review of Laura Lederer (ed) (1980), Take Back the Night: Women on Pornography. Gay Information 7: 27-29.

MANDERSON, L. 1982. Sociological perspectives of the family: Expectations of pregnancy. Healthright 1, 3: 17-20.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Sexuality and the study of culture:  The anthropology of homosexuality. Gay Information 11: 12-17.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Conflicting interests:  Class, ethnicity, and infant feeding practice in Australian society. Healthright 2, 1: 37-42.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Review of Tham Seong Chee (1980), Social Science Research in Malaysia. ASAA Review 5, 3: 75-77.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Review of Mavis Puthucheary (1978), The Politics of Administration.  The Malaysian Experience. Hong Kong Journal of Public Administration 4, 1: 79-82.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Reviews of David Barasch (1981), Sociobiology:  The Whisperings Within; and Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (1981), The Woman that Never Evolved. Mankind 13, 5: 431-33.

MANDERSON, L. 1982.  Reviews of T. Scarlett Epstein and Rosemary A Watts eds) (1981), The Endless Day:  Some Case Material on Asian Rural Women; and Tahrunessa A. Abdullah and Sondra A. Zeidenstein (1982), Village Women of Bangladesh: Prospects for Change. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 18, 3: 480-84.

MANDERSON, L. 1983.  Comment on Peter Anderson (1983), The reproductive role of human breast. Current Anthropology 24, 1: 33-34.

MANDERSON, L. 1983.  Reviews of G.B. Hainsworth (ed) (1981, Southeast Asia: Women, Changing Social Structure and Cultural Continuity; R.O. Whyte and P. Whyte (1982), The Women of Rural Asia;  and Fan Kok Sim (1982), Women in Southeast Asia: A Bibliography. Pacific Affairs 56, 2: 367-69.

MANDERSON, L. 1984.  Review of B.C. Rosen (1982), The Industrial Connection: Achievement and the Family in Developing Societies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 20, 2: 268-70.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  Review of U.B. Englebrektsson (1982, The Force of Tradition: Turkish Migrants at Home and Abroad. Canberra Anthropology 8, 1/2: 5.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  Review of Carol Laderman (1983, Wives and Midwives: Childbirth and Nutrition in Rural Malaysia. Pacific Affairs 58, 2: 371-73.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  Review of Renee Hirschon (ed) (1984), Women and Property – Women as Property. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 21, 2: 297-99.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  Review of D. Mitchell (ed) (1982), Indonesian Medical Traditions:  Bringing together the Old and the New. ASAA Review 9, 1: 145-46.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  Review of Khin Thitsa and Signe Howell (1983, Women and Development in Southeast Asia. ASAA Review 9, 2: 205-06.

MANDERSON, L. 1985.  Reviews of C.F. Grindstaff (1981), Population and Society:  A Sociological Perspective,  and M. Sivamurthy (1982), Growth and Structure of Human Population in the Presence of Migration. Mankind 15, 3: 254-5.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Social Structure and Food Deficiency:  Report. Current Anthropology 27, 3: 284-85.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Briefly noted.  Walter W. Skeat (1984), Malay Magic (first publ. 1900). ASAA Review 9, 3: 182-3.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Noted.  Jean Leidloff (1986), The Continuum Concept (first published 1975). Mankind 16, 2: 230.

MANDERSON, L. 1986.  Review of J.Drysdale (1984), Singapore:  Struggle for Success. Mankind 16, 3: 220-1.

MANDERSON, L. l987.  Review of R.Salaman (Revised, ed. with a new intro. by J.G.Hawkes (l985), The History and Social Influence of the Potato. Mankind 16, 3: 220-221.

MANDERSON, L. 1987.  Review of Claire D.F. Parsons (ed) (1985), Healing Practices in the South Pacific.  Oceania 58, 3: 232-233.

MANDERSON, L. l987.  Review of P.Richards (l986), Coping with Hunger: Hazard and experiment in an African rice-farming system. Mankind 17, 3: 236-7.

MANDERSON, L. l987.  Review of L.Golomb (l986) An Anthropology of Curing in Multi-ethnic Thailand.  Mankind 17, 3: 229-230.

MANDERSON, L. l987. Review of R.Winzeler (l985), Ethnic Relations in Kelantan. A study of the Chinese and Thai as ethnic minorities in a Malay state.  Journal of Asian Studies 46, 3: 712-3.

MANDERSON, L. l987.  Review of K.Streatfield (l984), Fertility Decline in a Traditional Society. ASAA Review 11, 3: 152-4.

MANDERSON, L. 1988.  Review of S.Frankel (l986), The Huli Response to Illness. Mankind 18, 3: 161-2.

MANDERSON, L. 1988. Review of K.V.Staiano (l986), Interpreting Signs of Illness: A case study in medical semiotics.  Mankind 18, 3: 162-4.

MANDERSON, L. 1988. Review of M.Kahn (l986), Always Hungry, Never Greedy: Food and the Expression of Gender in a Melanesian Society. Mankind 18, 3: 170-1.

MANDERSON, L. 1988.  Review of E.Ohnuki-Tierney (l984), Illness and Culture in Contemporary Japan: An anthropological view. Mankind 18, 3: 171-2.

MANDERSON, L. 1989. Debating Directions: Comment. ASAA Review 12, 3: 18-19.

MANDERSON, L. 1989. Review of Lai Ah Eng (l986), Peasants, Proletarians, and Prostitutes: A preliminary investigation into the work of Chinese women in colonial Malaya. ASAA Review 13, 1: 110-111.

MANDERSON, L. 1989. Community participation and the control of mosquito-borne diseases. Virus Information Exchange Newsletter for Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific 6, 3: 107-8.

MANDERSON, L. 1989. Review of V.Dancz (l987), Women and Party Politics in Pensinular Malaysia. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies XX, 2: 346-7.

MANDERSON, L. 1989. Review of G.Chandler, N.Sullivan and J.Branson (eds) (1988), Development and Displacement: Women in Southeast Asia. Journal of Intercultural Studies 10, 2: 66-7.

MANDERSON, L. 1990. Review of E.Locher-Scholten and A.Niehof (eds) (1987), Indonesian Women in Focus:  Past and Present Notions. RIMA: Review of Indonesian and Malayan Affairs (Summer 1990): 200-201.

MANDERSON, L. 1990. Community participation: Process and sustainability. Introduction. In M.Uren, J.Blok, and L. Manderson (eds), 1990.  Arbovirus Research in Australia. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium, 28 August – 1 September 1989. CSIRO and QIMR: Brisbane, 259-260.

MANDERSON, L. 1991. Review of M. Charlesworth, L. Farrall, T. Stokes and D. Turnbull. (1989) Life Among the Scientists. and G.J.V.Nossall and R.L.Coppel (1989) Reshaping life: Key issues in genetic engineering (2nd ed).  Australian Journal of Public Health 15, 1: 69-71.

MANDERSON, L. 1991. Review of J.F.Warren (1989), At the Edge of Southeast Asian History: Essays by J.F. Warren. Asian Studies Review 14, 3: 274-5.

MANDERSON, L. 1991. Public health in developing countries. In Touch 8, 3: 19-20.

MANDERSON, L. 1992. Review of G.M. van Heteren, A. de Knecht-van Eekelen and M.J.D. Poulissen (eds) (1989), Dutch Medicine in the Malay Archipelago 1816-1942. Asian Studies Review 15, 3: 252-3.

MANDERSON, L. 1992. Summary of proceedings of SEAMEO-TROPMED technical meeting on community participation and the control of malaria. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 23 (Su1): 3-5.

MANDERSON, L. 1993. Review of Alison Broinowski, The Yellow Lady. Australian Impressions of Asia (1992). Australian Historical Studies 25: 511-512.

MANDERSON, L. and Rajanayagam, K. 1994. Letter to the Editor. Women in Australian medical schools: Changing patterns. Academic Medicine 69, 9: 737.

Srirak, N. and MANDERSON, L. 1994. “AIDS” is not AIDS. Self-diagnosis and metaphor in Northern Thailand. Abstracts. P146. Second International AIDS IMPACT Conference, Brighton.

MANDERSON, L., Lee Chang Tye and Rajanayagam, K. 1994. A decade of condom studies: What we still don’t know. Abstracts. W8-1. Second International AIDS IMPACT Conference, Brighton.

MANDERSON, L. 1994. Review of Dennis Altman, Power and Community: Organizational and cultural responses to AIDS, (1994). Venereology 7, 4: 206-207.

Mark, T. and MANDERSON, L. 1996. Increasing women’s access to health services: Australian NGO experience. Development Bulletin 36: 8-11.

MANDERSON, L. 1996. Medical anthropology and public health research in Australia. Anthropology Newsletter (AAA) 37, 1: 39-40.

MANDERSON, L. 1996. Malaria interventions in Africa. International Health and Infectious Diseases Study Group Newsletter 1, 5: 1-8.

MANDERSON, L. 1996. Drug prescription and use in Bohol, The Philippines. Abstracts. Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore, March.

Ife, J., Blignault, I, Frkovic, I., Larson, A. and MANDERSON, L. 1996. Methods for estimating NESB community health needs for mental health services. Abstracts. Third Transcultural Mental Health Conference, “Empowerment: Building Bridges between Consumers and Carers of NESB and Mental Health Workers”, Westmead, Sydney, September.

MANDERSON, L. 1996. Review of Emily Martin, Flexible Bodies (1994) and David G.Horn, Social Bodies (1994). Current Anthropology 37, 4: 725-6.

Mark, T. and MANDERSON, L. 1996. Women’s participation in health and development programs. Women in Asia Newsletter November: 2-4.

MANDERSON, L., Almedom, A., Gittelsohn, J., Helitzer-Allen, D. and Pelto, P. 1996. Transferring anthropological techniques: Rapid assessment and focused ethnographic study manuals in applied research. Qualitative Research Methods Newsletter 7: 2-11.

MANDERSON, L. 1997.  Community consultation: Approaches of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. Abstract F-014. Abstracts. Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, March: 140.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Review of Don Kulick and Margaret Willson (eds), Taboo: Sex, identity and erotic subjectivity in anthropological fieldwork (1995). Oceania 67, 4: 334-335.

Aboagye-Kwarteng, T., MANDERSON, L. and Msiska, R. 1997. Reviews and strategic planning for HIV/AIDS prevention and care: anthropology and the expanded response to AIDS. AIDS and Anthropology Bulletin 9,2: 1, 8-10.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Review of M.Lock, Encounters with Aging: Mythologies of menopause in Japan and North America (1995). The Australian Journal of Anthropology 8,3: 352-354.

Songwathana, P. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Abstract T11D.1. Perceptions of HIV/AIDS and caring for people with terminal AIDS in southern Thailand. Abstracts. AIDS IMPACT Conference. Melbourne, June, p.181.

MANDERSON, L., McLaughlin, C., Sandberg, M. and Kelaher, M. 1997. Abstract. Security and safe havens: Health issues among women in mobile homes. Abstracts. Tropical Health and Nutrition Conference. Brisbane, July.

Alcala, E., Miguel, C.A., MANDERSON, L. and Lansang, M.A. 1997. Establishing a malaria control program with community participation in Agusan del Sur, The Philippines.  Abstracts. Tropical Health and Nutrition Conference. Brisbane, July.

Miguel, C.A. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Multimedia approaches to interventions for malaria control in Agusan del Sur, The Philippines.  Abstracts. Tropical Health and Nutrition Conference. Brisbane, July.

Jirojwong, S. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Abstract. Health and health behaviour among Thai women: An exploratory study in Brisbane. Abstracts. Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Public Health Association, Melbourne, October.

Rose, G. and MANDERSON, L. 1997. Asthma Research: Science in search of its embodied origins. Abstracts. National Asthma Conference, Sydney, 10-12 September; 5th InternationalQualitative Health Research Conference 7-10 April 1999.

MANDERSON, L. 1997. Review of S.Howell (ed), For the sake of our future: sacrificing in Eastern Indonesia (1996). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 3,4: 802-803.

MANDERSON, L. 1998. Review of Waqar I.U.Ahmad (ed), ‘Race’ and Health in Contemporary Britain (1993). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 22, 1: 173-174.

MANDERSON, L., Mark, T., Hartel, G. and Riley, I. 1998. Graduate training for career paths in developing countries: Outcomes and needs. Proceedings: IDP Conference on Educational Outcomes, 91-109. Canberra: International Development Program,  AVCC. ISBN 0-86403-015-0.

MANDERSON, L. 1998. Review of Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge (1994), Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies. Archives of Sexual Behavior 27, 6:19-21.

MANDERSON, L. 1998. Review of Paul Cohen and John Purcal (eds) (1995), Health and Development in Southeast Asia . Journal of Contemporary Asia.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Review of G.Hershatter (1997), Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai . Journal of Historical Geography  25, 1: 124-125.

Olsen, J. on behalf of the IEA European Questionnaire Group (Ahrens, W., Anto, J.M., Bjorner, J., Epstein, L. … MANDERSON, L.). 1998. Epidemiology deserves better questionnaires. International Journal of Epidemiology 27, 6: 935. For expanded version, see http://www.dundee.ac.uk/iea/EuroQuests1.htm.

Larson, A., MANDERSON, L., Frkovic, I. and van Kooten-Prasad, M. 1998. Mental health needs assessment and policy development in culturally diverse communities. Proceedings. Transcultural Mental Health Conference, Hobart, September. Melbourne: Transcultural Mental Health Network.

Jirojwong, S., & MANDERSON, L. 1998. Physical health and preventive health behaviours among Thai women in Brisbane. Working paper in Gender in Asia.  Rockhampton: Central Queensland University (ISBN 1875902848).

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Turnstiles to other worlds: postgraduate nursing education and research Training. Nursing Research Newsletter, 1: 2.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Review of S.Chapman (1998), Over Our Dead Bodies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Cultural aspects of cancer control and palliative care. UICC News X, 3: 4. Expanded version on http://www.uicc.org

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Introduction. In MANDERSON, L. (ed), Reconciliation: Perspectives from the Academy. Canberra: Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, 1-4.

MANDERSON, L. 1999. Report on the 1998 Cunningham Lecture and Annual Symposium. Annual Report of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. Canberra: ASSA

MANDERSON, L. 2000. People before contestability? International Journal of Drug Addiction 11: 45-47

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Social Health and the Social Body. Chiron 4, 3: 5-8.

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Reviews of M.C.Inhorn and P.J.Brown (eds) (1997), The Anthropology of Infectious Disease. International Health Perspectives and J.W.Bastien (1998), The Kiss of Death: Chagas’ Disease in the Americas, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 14, 1: 115-117.  

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Women’s health – unfinished business. O&G (Magazine of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists), 2, 1: 31.

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Review of A.Ong and M.Peletz (eds) (1995), Bewitching Women, Pious Men: Gender and Body Politics in Southeast Asia. Identities. Global Studies in Culture and Power 7, 2: 264-268.

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Review of K.Kempadoo and J.Doezema (eds) Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance and Redefinition. Pacifica Review: Peace, Security & Global Change 12, 3: 313-315

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Gender and development. PLAN’s Community Development Bulletin Winter: 7.

MANDERSON, L. 2000. The gendered body: Negotiating social membership after breast and gynecological cancer surgery. Psycho-Oncology. Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer 9, 5 (Suppl): S20.

MANDERSON, L. and Allotey, P. 2000. Does Health Sector Reform Meet Women’s Needs? Global Health Reform 2: 10-12.

MANDERSON, L. 2000. Gender inequity moves up the agenda. Development 44, 1. 135-136.

MANDERSON, L. 2001. Women’s health and applied anthropology in Australia. Practicing Anthropology  23, 1: 43-46.

MANDERSON, L. 2001. Fighting violence against women. Development 44, 3: 6-8.

MANDERSON, L. 2001. Global priorities, local sensibilities: Maximizing women’s capacities in health development. In Women and Health. Maximizing Women’s capacities and leadership. Proceedings of WHO Kobe Centre 2nd International Meeting, 28-32. Kobe: WHO Centre for Health Development.

MANDERSON, L. 2001. Review of Kaja Finkler, Experiencing the New Genetics: Family and Kinship on the Medical Frontier. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 15, 4: 563-567.

MANDERSON, L. 2001. Review of Jyotsna Agnihotri Gupta, New Reproductive Technologies, Women’s Health and Autonomy. Freedom or dependency? Women & Health

MANDERSON, L. 2002. Foreword. In Marginson, S. ed, 2002. Investing in Social Capital: Postgraduate Training in the Social Sciences in Australia. Special Issue of Journal of Australian Studies 73: 5-6.

MANDERSON, L. 2002. Foreword. In Fitch, C. and Stimson, G. An International Mapping and Review Study on Rapid Assessments Conducted on Drug Use.  WHO Drug Injections Study Phase II.  Geneva: Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, WHO.

Bennett, L.R., MANDERSON, L. and Dowsett, G.W. 2003. Sexuality research training for Indonesian professionals: The STD/HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Social Research In Australia Course, 15-34. In di Mauro, D., Herdt, G. and Parker, R., (eds), Handbook of Sexuality ResearchTraining Initiatives, New York: Social Science Research Council. URL: http://nsrc.sfsu.edu/Resource/Sexuality-chap1.pdf

MANDERSON, L. and Aggleton, P. 2003. Editorial introduction: Belief systems and the place of desire. In Belief Systems and Desire. Perspectives from Asia and the Pacific. Selected papers from the IASSCS Melbourne Conference. Culture, Health and Sexuality 5, 3: 181-184.

MANDERSON, L. 2003. Review of Gita Sen, Asha George and Piroska Östlin, Engendering International Health: The Challenges of Equity. Transcultural Psychiatry 40, 3: 449-451

MANDERSON, L.  2004. Disability, global legislation and human rights. Development 47, 2: 29-35.

MANDERSON, L. 2004. Review of Penny van Esterik, Materializing Thailand, and Alison Murray, Pink Fits: Sex, subcultures and discourses in the Asia-Pacific, SIGN: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 29, 4: 1138-1141.

MANDERSON, L. 2004. Review of R.Pertierra, E.F.Ugarte, A.Pingol, J.Hernandez and N.L.Dacanay, Txt-ing Selves. Cellphones and Philippine Modernity. The Australian Journal of Anthropology  15, 2: 243-245

MANDERSON, L, Kokanovic, R. and Klimidis, S. 2005. Exploring the links between depression and diabetes in a multicultural context. Diabetes Educators Association Magazine 8, 2: 11-13.

MANDERSON, L. 2005. Editorial. The social and cultural context of sexual function among middle-aged women. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society 12, 4: 361-362

MANDERSON, L. 2005. Linking Research and Policy: Engendering the UN Millenium Development Goals. Invited address, Forum, International Women’s Development Agency, Melbourne, 2 September 2005. URL: http://www.iwda.org.au/resources.htm#gen_mdg.

MANDERSON, L, Kokanovic, R. and Klimidis, S. 2005. Experiences of diabetes and depression in diverse Australian populations. PARC Newsletter (Primary Mental Health Care Australian Resource Centre) 2, 6: 13-14.

MANDERSON, L. 2005. Rapporteur’s Report: Equity. In Mauroux, C. (ed) Poverty, Equity & Health Research: Report on Forum 9. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research; 5pp; http://www.globalforumhealth.org/filesupld/forum9/CD%20Forum%209/start.htm.

Global Forum for Health Research 2006. The 10/90 Report on Health Research 2006: overcoming barriers to health. MANDERSON, L.: contributing author. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research.

MANDERSON, L. 2006. Review of John H.Gagnon, An Interpretation of Desire. Essays in the Study of Sexuality. Journal of the History of Sexuality 15, 3: 495-499.

Warren, N., MANDERSON, L. and Disler, P. 2006. ADAPT: Social aspects of amputation in urban and rural Victoria. Amplified: Limbs4Life Newsletter March.

Warren, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2006. Peer support for amputees. Amplified: Limbs4Life Newsletter May.

MANDERSON, L., Kasnitz, D. and Vasey, K. 2006. Immigrant women’s health, community action and sustainability. The Don Chipp Foundation Newsletter, August Issue: 4.

MANDERSON, L. 2007. Review of Monique Skidmore, Karaoke Facism. Burma and the Politics of Fear. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 18, 2: 242-244.

MANDERSON, L. 2007. Review of Margaret Jones, Health Policy in Britain’s Model Colony. Ceylon (1900 – 1948). Bulletin of the History of Medicine 81, 2: 477-478.

MANDERSON, L 2007. Inequality, marginalization and poor health. In Gelmer, M., Jupp, S. and Penea, O. (eds) Global Forum Update on Research for Health 4: Equitable access: Research challenges for health in developing countries. Geneva: Global Forum for Health Research, 59-61.

MANDERSON, L. 2008. In brief. How disability is made. The Lancet 371, 9613 (23 Feb): 642.

MANDERSON, L. 2008. The Stolen Generations: Why saying sorry matters. Society for Medical Anthropology Newsletter 49, 5: 67-68.

Baer, H.A., Jennaway, M., Milton, K., MANDERSON, L. and Henry, R. 2008. Developments in the Anthropology of Global Warming: A View from Australia. Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter 19, 2: 4-7.

MANDERSON, L. and Jennaway, M. 2008. Earth to Man: ‘Help!’ Anthropology from the most vulnerable continent on earth.  Society for Applied Anthropology Newsletter 19, 2: 7-9.

Battles, H.T. and MANDERSON, L. 2008. The Ashley Treatment: Furthering the anthropology of/on disability. Medical Anthropology 27, 3: 219-226.

Zaliha Omar and MANDERSON, L. 2008. Social and structural dimensions of dependency, participation and social exclusion among people with mobility impairments, Peninsular Malaysia. In Kishor Bhnushali, ed. Rehabilitation of Persons with Disability, Ahmedabad: ICFAI University Press; reprinted in 2009, Sudha Menon, ed. Social Exclusion: Perspectives and Experiences, Ahmedabad: ICFAI University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2009. Review of Patty O’Brien, The Pacific Muse: Erotic Femininity and the Colonial Pacific, The Historian 71, 3: 630-632.

MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2009. Infectious gynaecological conditions. In Chapter 6, Gynaecological Conditions. In: Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization. Mental Health Aspects of Women’s Reproductive Health. A Global Review of the Literature. Geneva: World Health Organization & United Nations Population Fund, ISBN 978 92 4 156356 7, 92-100.

MANDERSON, L. and Warren, N. 2009. Malignant conditions. In Chapter 6, Gynaecological conditions, In: Mental Health Aspects of Women’s Reproductive Health. A Global Review of the Literature. Geneva: World Health Organization & United Nations Population Fund, ISBN 978 92 4 156356 7, 100-104.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Editorial: Making medical anthropology matter. Medical Anthropology 29, 1: 1-5.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Editorial: Policy and place. Medical Anthropology 29, 2: 109-112.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Invited editorial. Alcohol and other drug prevention in CALD communities: Responding to the challenges.  DrugInfo Newsletter (DrugInfo Clearinghouse) 8, 4: 2-3.

Smith-Morris, C. and MANDERSON, L.  2010. Editorial: The baggage of health travelers. Medical Anthropology 29, 4: 331-335.

MANDERSON, L. 2010. Diabetes and distress among people from CALD communities. Diversit-e 3.

MANDERSON, L. 2011. Editorial: Medical anthropology online. Medical Anthropology 30, 1: 1-5.

MANDERSON, L. 2011. Should We Go, or Should We Stay? An Invitation. Medical Anthropology 30, 2: 123-125.

Cartwright, E. and MANDERSON, L. 2011. Editorial: Diagnosing the Structure: Immigrant Vulnerabilities in Global Perspective. Medical Anthropology 30, 5: 451-453.

MANDERSON, L. 2011. Comment on “Natural Hegemonies: Sleep and the Rhythms of American Capitalism,” by Matthew Wolf-Meyer. Current Anthropology 52, 6: 890.

MANDERSON, L. 2012. Editorial: Unsettled worlds. Medical Anthropology 31, 1: 1-3.

MANDERSON, L. 2012. Editorial: Neglected diseases of poverty. Medical Anthropology 31, 4: 1-4.

MANDERSON, L. 2012. Review of Merrill Singer, Introduction to Syndemics: A Critical Systems Approach to Public and Community Health. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 26, 4: 643-645.

Venables, E. and MANDERSON, L. 2015. Introduction: Exploring bodies in Southern and East Africa. Medical Anthropology 34, 4:  297-304.

MANDERSON, L. 2016. News of Zika vaccine might be reassuring, but it’s too late for Rio, and do we really need it anyway? The Conversation July 6. https://theconversation.com/news-of-zika-vaccine-might-be-reassuring-but-its-too-late-for-rio-and-do-we-really-need-it-anyway-61810.

MANDERSON, L. 2016. Forces in the wind. Ethnographic Terminalia Presents: Aeolian Politics. A collaborative installation project by The Ethnographic Terminalia Collective and Cymene Howe and Dominic Boyer at the Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, CO, November 17-22, 2015. American Ethnologist 43 (4): 752-754.

MANDERSON, L. 2016. South Africa’s student protests: ignored by the world, a symptom of a global loss in faith that change is possible. ResearchGate  October 28. https://www.researchgate.net/blog/post/south-africas-student-protests-ignored-by-the-world-a-symptom-of-a-global-loss-in-faith-that-change-is-possible

MANDERSON, L. 2017. Portraits of a life on the edge. In: Know My Story, S.Huschke, ed. Johannesburg, South Africa: African Centre for Migration and Society, University of the Witwatersrand.

Sitienei, J., Nangami, M., MANDERSON, L., Paina, L. and Kosgei, R. 2017. Decision makers’ perspectives on implementation of government attributes in the Kenyan Department of Health: a qualitative review in Uasin Gishu County. Published abstract, Consortium of Universities for Global Health, 8th Annual Conference. The Lancet Global Health 5: S5. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30112-2

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Heckert, C. Fault Lines of Care: Gender, HIV, and Global Health in Bolivia. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, ix-xi.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Reed, C. Landscapes of Activism: Civil Society, HIV and AIDS Care in Northern Mozambique. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, ix-xi.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Heller, A.W. Fistula Politics: Birthing Injuries and the Quest for Continence in Niger. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Hardin, J.A. Faith and the Pursuit of Health. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Reyes-Foster, B.M. Psychiatric Encounters: Madness and Modernity in Yucatan Mexico. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Weaver, L.J. Sugar and Tension: Diabetes and Gender in Modern India. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, ix-xi.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Whittaker A. International Surrogacy as Disruptive Industry in Southeast Asia.New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, ix-xi.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Foreword. Van Wichelen, S. Legitimating Life: Adoption in the Age of Globalization and Biotechnology. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, ix-xii.

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Watershed: Place, policy and environmental crisis. Voices 360, September 10, https://www.voices360.com/watershed-place-policy-and-environmental-crisis/. Also published in Weekend Argus (Cape Town) Sunday Tribune (Durban) and Sunday Independent (Johannesburg) September 9: 18

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Watershed moment to discuss approaches to water. Programme to tackle issues around our most precious natural resource. Cape Times, The Mercury (KZN) Pretoria News, September 13: 10

MANDERSON, L. 2018. Climate change, water and the spread of diseases: Connecting the dots differently. The Conversation Africa, September 16, https://theconversation.com/climate-change-water-and-the-spread-of- diseases-connecting-the-dots-differently-103111; reprinted http://www.wits.ac.za/news/latest-news/in-their-own-words/2018/2018-09/climate-change-water-and-the-spread-of-diseases.html; https://plumbingafrica.co.za/index.php/news-events/news/482-climate-change-water-and-the-spread-of-diseases- connecting-the-dots-differently; https://www.preventionweb.net/news/view/60564

MANDERSON, L. and Doherty, C. 2018. Watershed: Art, science and elemental politics. Art Africa 14: 105-107.

Mkhwanazi, N., Berry, L., Makusha, T., Blackie, D., MANDERSON, L., Hall, K. and Huijbregts, M. 2018, Negotiating the care of children and support for caregivers. In South Africa Child Gauge 2018: Collaboration and Contestation. Hall, K., Richter, L., Mokomane, Z. and Lake, L., eds. Cape Town, South Africa: The Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, 70-80.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. How global warming is adding to the health risks of poor people. The Conversation Africa, January 27, http://theconversation.com/how-global-warming-is-adding-to-the-health-risks-of-poor-people- 109520; reprinted: https: //www.preventionweb.net/news/view/63344

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Foreword. Kline, N. Pathogenic Policing: Immigration Enforcement and Health in the US South. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Foreword. Block, E. and McGrath, W. Infected Kin: Orphan Care and AIDS in Lesotho, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Foreword. Kierans, C. Chronic Failures: Kidneys, Regimes of Care and the Mexican State. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Foreword. Larchanché, S. Cultural Anxieties: Managing Migrant Suffering in France. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Editorial note. Medical Anthropology 38, 5: 425-426.

MANDERSON, L. 2019. Climate change, health and emergent crises. NRF Science Matters 2, 2. https://www.nrf.ac.za/sites/default/files/documents/03%20NRF%20SMM%20Vol2%20Issue2%20Climate%20change%20health%20and%20emergent%20crises_0.pdf

MANDERSON, L., Harling, G. and Witham, G. 2019. Who takes care of the elderly? Findings from rural South Africa. The Conversation Africa, October 17, http://theconversation.com/who-takes-care-of-the-elderly-findings-from-rural-south-africa-125269

Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. Preface. In: Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health and Care in Contemporary South Africa. Mkhwanazi, N. and MANDERSON, L., eds. Cape Town, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press, xv-xvii.

The Nutrire CoLab, listed in alphabetical order:  Carney, M.A., Carruth, L., Chard, S., Dickinson, M., Galvez, A., Hardin, J., Hite, A., Howard, H., MANDERSON, L., Mendenhall, E., Saldaña-Tejeda, A.,  Valdez, N.,  Vasquez, E., Warin, M. and Yates-Doerr, E. 2020. Anthropologists respond to The Lancet EAT Commission (Also in Spanish: Antropólogos Responden a la Comisión Lancet EAT). Bionatura: Latin American Journal of Biotechnology and Life Sciences 5. doi: 10.21931/RB/2020.05.01.2

Sambala, E.Z., MANDERSON, L. and Cooper, S. 2020. Can the philosophy of ubuntu help provide a way to face health crises? The Conversation Africa, April 29. https://theconversation.com/can-the-philosophy-of-ubuntu-help-provide-a-way-to-face-health-crises-135997

MANDERSON, L. 2020. The percussive effects of pandemics and disasters. Medical Anthropology 39, 5: 365-366.

Levine, S. and MANDERSON, L. 2020. The militarisation of the COVID-19 response in South Africa. #Witnessing Corona, August 24 (joint blog series by boasblogs, the Blog Medical Anthropology/MedizinethnologieCurare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, and the Global South Studies Center Cologne). https://boasblogs.org/witnessingcorona/the-militarisation-of-the-covid-19-response-in-south-africa/

Botes, T., L.M.S. Chocho, G.Kellow, E.B.Engelking, L.Khofi, E.Bosire, E.Cossa and D.Malope (ed. L.MANDERSON). 2020. How A Pandemic Shapes The City: Ethnographic Voices From South Africa. https://medanthucl.com/2020/04/10/how-a-pandemic-shapes-the-city-ethnographic-voices-from-south-africa/

MANDERSON, L. 2020. Foreword. Saxton, D.I. The Devil’s Fruit: Farmworkers, Health and Environmental Justice. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press

MANDERSON, L. 2020. At moments of transition. Editorial Note. Medical Anthropology 39, 8: 653-654.

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Foreword. Suh, S. Dying to Count: Post-Abortion Care and Global Reproductive Health Politics in Senegal. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Foreword. Trentini, D. At Ansha’s: Life in the Spirit Mosque of a Healer. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Foreword. Smith-Oka, V.  Becoming Gods: Medical Training in Mexican Hospitals. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Foreword. Svendsen, M.N. Near Human: Border Zones of Species, Life, and Belonging. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2021. On implosion. SfAA Newsletter. https://www.appliedanthro.org/publications/news/february-2021/implosion

Coulter, L., N. Dlamini, J.Govender, S-J. Du Plessis, R. Harries, K.Maphalala, D.Mtetwa, K.Sebina, H.Sunpath, S.Theunissen and MANDERSON, L. 2021. Covid-19 and Vaccine Inequalities in South Africa: The Second Year. https://medanthucl.com/2021/06/01/covid-19-and-vaccine-inequalities-in-south-africa-the-second-year/

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Foreword. Pop, C.A. In press. The Cancer Within: State Crises and Gynecological Cancers in Contemporary Romania. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

MANDERSON, L. 2021. Foreword. Pfeiffer, E. In press. Viral Frictions: Global Health and HIV Stigma in Kenya. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Onyango, J., Ndege, N.,  Atela, J.,  MANDERSON, L., Chirwa, T. and Alam, U. 2021.  How social sciences and modelling are informing COVID-19 policy responses across Africa. African Academy of Sciences, 19 July. https://blog.aasopenresearch.org/2021/07/19/how-social-sciences-and-modelling-are-informing-covid-19-policy-responses-across-africa/

Eversole, R., Freidenberg, J., MANDERSON, L. and Vélez‐Ibáñez, C. In press. Language boundaries, publishing and power. Practicing Anthropology.

MANDERSON, L. 2015. AAA Webinar: Medical Anthropology in the 21st Century, September 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQb6pHPyJRM

MANDERSON, L. and K. Alford. 2013.  Do we even have a future? Big Ideas, Radio National, 30 July. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/bigideas/do-we-even-have-a-future/4825664

Smith, A. 2013. Traumatic adaptations.  Body Sphere, Radio National, 28 July. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/bodysphere/traumatic-adaptations/4831574

MANDERSON, L. 2013. OK Radio Episode 65, Interview with Pavol Liska and Kelly Copper, Nature Theater of Oklahoma. Podcast 8 June. https://itunes.apple.com/au/ podcast/ok-radio/id548958896.

MANDERSON, L. and Alford, K.  2013. Rehearsing the Future – Anti-Fragility and Risk Aversion. Opening Keynote. 3rd Australia Theatre Forum, Canberra, 29 May. Podcast: http://australiantheatreforum.com.au/atf-2013/media-room/audio-recordings; http://www.mixcloud.com/antoniaseymour7/atf2013-opening-keynote_lenore-manderson-and-kristin-manderson/ (sic)

Woodson, W. (Producer and Director). 2007. Nerve: Conversations with Lenore. Written and performed by L.MANDERSON. 29 Min., Amherst, Mass., Present Company Inc. Video clip on vimeo.com/215868355. Screened at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, US; Barre Museum, Barre, Vermont, US; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa; University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; University of Southern Denmark, Nyborg, Denmark; University of Warwick, Coventry, UK; University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; University Women’s Club, Mayfair, London, UK.

Markovic, M., MANDERSON, L., Allotey, P. and Bandyopadhyay, M. 2001. Public health research   methods. CD-Rom. Melbourne: Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, The University of Melbourne.

Yap, L. (Producer and Director). 1998. Group Talk: Preparing and Conducting Focus Groups.  Written by L.Yap, S.Dawson & L.MANDERSON; Executive Producer, I.Riley. Video. Brisbane: Australian Centre for International & Tropical Health & Nutrition.

Adams, Phillip. 1991, 2010. Late Night Live Female Intellectuals, with Lynne Spender, Jenny Lee and Lenore MANDERSON. Broadcast 13 May 1991, 5 November 2010. http:// www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/classic-lnl-female-intellectuals/2987128.

MANDERSON, L. (ed). 2001. Africa and Europe, 1921- 1946: A Memoir, Alexander Manderson.  Melbourne: Auscard Printing. ISBN 0-9580148-0-9

MANDERSON, L. 1992. Patterns of shadows. In J.Scutt (ed), As a Woman: Writing Women’s Lives, Melbourne: Artemis, 131-141.

MANDERSON, L. 1981. Arrival. InVersions 2: 24.

MANDERSON, L. 1981. Portrait of a Potter. InVersions 2: 24.

MANDERSON, L. 1981. (Untitled). InVersions 2: 24.